一天,我在回家的路上觉的没事,想一想未来的我。未来的我当然要当爸爸了。等我有了孩子一定经常带他去公园玩,带他去爬山,看看小蜘蛛怎样织网,我一定不说:“下次去吧!”我要多给他零花钱,还要带他去海洋馆看小鱼怎样游泳,去动物园看调皮的猴子,看可爱的小鸡,看美丽的孔雀。我要带他看小蚂蚁怎么说话,看小草为什么很绿,看小花为什么那么香,看天空为什么那么蓝 !
I must be a good father!
Language as a System of Symbols阅读理解答案
The flying fox is not a fox at all. It is an extra large阅读理解答案
You can never imagine how big and complex the inner world 阅读理解答案
学会说不 设定界限后你的生活发生这10件大事
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One of my father’s favorite sayings as I was growing up阅读理解答案
About 1966 or so, a NASA (美国航空航天局) team doing work for the Apollo 阅读理解答案
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Childhood obesity 41 (consider) one of the most serious阅读理解答案
Latrice Brown was excited about starting her junior year.阅读理解答案
I grew up in a small town.My father raised chickens and ran 阅读理解答案
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For the last 10 years, job listing site CareerBuilder has put阅读理解答案
When TV programs report wars or disasters, the editors rarely 阅读理解答案
Animals seem to have the sense to eat when they are hungry阅读理解答案
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表面之下 Under the Surface