Many willows were planted on both sides of the moat of Rongchang city. The tall willow trees, long willow branches hanging down, some even hit the water.
春天,长长的柳枝上钻出了一粒粒鹅黄色的嫩芽,就像小鸟的嘴巴,好像告诉人们:“春天来了,春天来了!”日子一天天过去了,嫩芽长大了,便长成了一片片嫩绿的新叶。漂亮极了! 夏天到了,树上的叶子渐渐茂盛起来,绿油油的好像给大地撑起了一把绿伞,小朋友们在绿伞下做游戏,玩得可开心了。
In autumn, the leaves of willow trees turn yellow. Looking from afar, they are talking in a whisper. Floating in the air, they are dancing like a yellow butterfly in the air. Falling in a river, small fish use them as umbrellas and play under them. Sprinkle them on the ground, so you can put a yellow blanket on the big floor and step on it, "ah! So soft! "
I really want to plant a willow tree on the roof of my house!
上一篇: 假如我有一支马良的神笔
下一篇: 迷人的春天