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发布时间:2013-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编













  A member of the CPPCC National Committee, the Chinese ambassador to Japan Cheng Yonghua said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua, the current Sino-Japanese relations since the normalization of diplomatic relations in 1972 trough, dog that fetches will carry., hope that the Japanese side to face up to history and reality, take out sincerity, to work together with China to find an effective way to solve and control the Diaoyu islands.

  He stressed that the current crisis, to strengthen management, to prevent the " accidental", and jointly promote the healthy and stable development of relations between the two countries gradually return to the track.

  Due to the recent government of Japan on the Diaoyu Islands on issues such as the wrong words and deeds, the Sino-Japanese relations are facing a grim situation. Cheng Yonghua said, China has always advocated in intergovernmental principles of the four political documents, resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, hope to communicate to establish crisis management mechanism with the Japanese side, in order to avoid unexpected events.

  " However, the Japanese government to pay no heed to steal the Diaoyu Islands in China 's history, not to admit it to 40 years ago, the leaders of the two countries reached an understanding, turn a deaf ear to the Japanese people for the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations for lack of sincerity in the dialogue, consultations, resulting in substantial progress has not obtained through consultations ditch. " Cheng Yonghua said.

  " The Diaoyu Islands are Japanese former government started, the newly elected government of Andouble also has some problems in dealing with the Diaoyu Islands issue, which has become the biggest difficulties faced by improving relations between the two countries. " Cheng Yonghua said, " in the face of the Japanese aggression, the Chinese took the safeguard sovereignty measures, sent Government ships were normalized cruise in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands, the exercise of the inherent right of china. "

  For the hype " Chinese warship fire control radar target ships, aircraft, " Cheng Yonghua said: " after careful investigation and verification, the Japanese accusations unjustified, is completely out of thin air. "

  He said, the Japanese side bypass the normal diplomatic channels, called unilateral foreign media throws the speech, its purpose is to make regional tensions, inciting the Japanese public sentiment, misleading international public opinion, to smear China's image. Not only such, Chinese naval ship machine Japan also on the normal mission prolonged close tracking interference, causing damage to the Sino-Japanese maritime safety. "

  For served as ambassador to Japan, Cheng Yonghua bluntly: " complex, sensitive, very difficult. I am engaged in the work for nearly 40 years, since the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations to both sides to establish a strategic relationship of mutual benefit, despite the ups and downs, but the direction of peace and friendship is the same. The relations between the two countries ' purchase ' event because of destruction of public feelings, opposing tendencies, sad. But my prospects for the future development of the friendly Sino-Japanese relations remain optimistic. "

  Cheng Yonghua pointed out, Japan are the world's second and third largest economies, China attaches great importance to the development of Sino-Japanese relations, willing to get along. From the history of exchanges between the two countries, and will benefit both, bucket two injuries. Normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations 40 years ago, bilateral trade volume has increased from $1000000000 to $about 340000000000, bilateral personnel exchanges from 10000 to about 5000000, 250 to establish friendly city.

  Cheng Yonghua said, the Diaoyu Islands and other problems, the bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields, the negative effects have appeared. According to statistics, last year the " purchase island" after the incident, both the number of visitors declined about 30%, especially the group travel decline rate is up to more than 70%.

  " China is committed to peaceful development, but in relation to national sovereignty and territorial issues, will never give an inch. The Chinese government and people have the determination, ability to safeguard national territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. " He said: "I hope the new Japanese government to work together with China, find a way to resolve territorial disputes through dialogue and consultation. "


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