北斗卫星导航系统 中国高度重视北斗系统建设发展,自 20 世纪 80 年代开始探索适合国情的卫星导航系统发展道路,形成了“三步走”发展战略:2000 年年底,建成北斗一号系统,向中国提供服务;2017 年年底,建成北斗二号系统,向亚太地区提供服务 1994年,北斗卫星导航系统启动建设。20多年间,我国在西昌卫星发射中心共组织了44次北斗发射任务,利用长征三号甲系列运载火箭,先后将4颗北斗一号试验卫星 By now, 59 satellites, including the first four experimental ones, have been launched from Xichang on Long March 3Bs, some having since been put into retirement.
There are 30 third-generation Beidou satellites in three types of orbit — 24 in medium-Earth orbits, three in inclined geosynchronous satellite orbits and three in geostationary orbits.
载人空间站 manned space station
助推火箭 booster rocket
发射中止系统 launch abort system
发射场 launch site
可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket
运载火箭 carrier rocket
卫星导航 satellite navigation