

发布时间:2020-06-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

2003年9月29日星期一  阴 

Monday, September 29, 2003;

今天我们学校举行了运动会。我们校园里很热闹,同学们都排着队,围着操场站成一圈,一年级站在最前方,我拿着张赵霜他爸爸做的“一五班”的牌子,我们一五班的同学看到牌子都往我跟前站,高年级的哥哥姐姐们站在后排。吴老师很高兴,她手拿一面绿旗、脖子上挂着哨子。参加比赛的同学分成6队,女生3队、男生3队。我按照高低个把我班同学的位置排好。 “接力赛”开始了。三组同学同时开始,第一个拿着棒子同学作好准备,听到哨声,拿棒子的同学努力的往前跑,跑到终点再把棒子交给另一个同学,我看着同学们,心里想:“我们班会不会是第一名呀?”我真想亲自参加比赛跑步,还想成为一名少先队员,我更想从一年级蹦到六年级。

There is a sports meeting in our school today. Our campus is very busy. The students are all in line, standing in a circle around the playground. The first grade is at the front. I take the sign of "class 15" made by Zhang zhaoshuang's father. When the students of class 15 see the sign, they all stand in front of me. The elder brothers and sisters are in the back row. Miss Wu is very happy. She has a green flag in her hand and a whistle around her neck. The students participating in the competition are divided into 6 teams, 3 teams for girls and 3 teams for boys. I arranged the positions of my classmates according to their height. The relay race began. Three groups of students started at the same time. The first one with a stick was ready to hear the whistle. The one with a stick tried to run forward, ran to the end and handed the stick to another student. I looked at the students and thought, "is our class going to be the first one?" I really want to take part in the competition and run in person, and also want to be a young pioneer. I want to jump from the first grade to the sixth grade.


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