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发布时间:2013-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  In December last year, Abe Shinzo was again elected Japan's prime minister, this is his first policy speech. In the first show, he for the Japanese domestic and foreign policy made clear.

  The Xinhua news agency Xinhua ( reporter Wu Gufeng ) Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo in February 28th, his policy speech in the Japanese House of Representatives plenary meeting on the afternoon, said to be committed to achieving the Japanese economic recovery, reconstruction of powerful Japanese economy.

  Andouble said, the government needs to vigorously promote the bold loose monetary policy, flexible fiscal policies and to stimulate private investment growth strategy, reconstruction of strong Japanese economy, make young people believe that " the bright future ".

  Andouble said, Japan will strategically to promote economic cooperation with Asia, East Asia and Europe and other regions, not to abolish all goods tariffs this premise, the government will decide whether to participate in " trans-Pacific strategic economic partnership agreement " ( TPP ) negotiations.

  Andouble said, the Japanese food world, along with the increase of the world population of the rich, Japanese food will be more popular. Therefore, need to go out of the agricultural policy, build strong agricultural.

  On foreign and security policy, Andouble said, the implementation of the " diplomatic strategy ", " pay attention to universal values diplomacy" and " advocate defend the interests of the state 's diplomacy", is the basic principle of Japanese diplomacy. The base axis of Japanese diplomacy is the Japan-US alliance.

  On Japan-China relations, relations between Japan and South Korea, said Andouble, Japan-China relationship is one of the most important bilateral relations, hoping to return to affect the entire relationship does not let the individual problem of the strategic relationship of mutual benefit. Relationship between Japan and South Korea, but Japan and South Korea cooperation, strive to build an important partnership with the twenty-first Century tally, facing the future.

  The Japanese Foreign Minister Kishida Fumio, Minister of finance Taro Aso, economic and fiscal policy minister Kari Aki were also in the house of Representatives plenary session on their respective areas of policy speech.


  新华社电(记者 吴谷丰)日本首相安倍晋三2月28日下午在日本国会众议院全体会议上发表施政演说,表示将致力于实现日本经济复兴,重建强有力的日本经济。








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