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发布时间:2013-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Because of the super standard dining incident, is called " wine " brother Zhou Shaoqiang was removed from Gree Group Secretary of the Party committee, President, director and general manager of Zhuhai financial Klc Holdings Ltd.

  Zhuhai City Discipline Inspection Commission website published yesterday, the message says, the Zhuhai municipal Party Committee Standing Committee yesterday held a meeting, approved by the Zhuhai Municipal Commission for Discipline " Zhuhai financial Klc Holdings Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the " financial holding company " ) bank-enterprise cooperation Symposium super standard dining event " the main responsibility person weeks comrade Shao Qiang a disciplinary warning, removed from the general manager of the group secretary of the Party committee, President, Gree directors and financial holding company duty decision.

  Prior to this, Zhuhai city discipline inspection commission has instructed the municipal SASAC Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate false leadership responsibility of the SASAC Commission for Discipline Inspection of the principal responsible comrades made a profound examination to the City Commission for Discipline Inspection committee. Investigation group directly responsible in the SASAC Commission for Discipline Inspection survey responsible comrades have been removed from the discipline inspection team.

  The evening of January 4, 2013, the financial holding company general manager Zhou Shaoqiang, director Xie Wei et al planning form exchange forum invited Zhuhai finance relevant person in charge to dinner in Zhuhai HUAFA clubhouse. The Zhuhai City Commission for Discipline Inspection, verification, a total of 17 people attended the dinner dishes, drinks, total consumption of 37517 yuan. The consumption of red wine 12 bottle, due to financial holding companies and HUAFA group is the same system of enterprises, more consumption of red wine by internal price calculation ( purchase price of +20% profit ), a total of 23706 yuan. Consumption of food, drinks a total of 13811 yuan.






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