HBO’s “Game of Thrones” will return next month for the fifth season of epic battles, exhilarating wordplay, and surprisingly well-groomed stars. But beyond the show’s unmatched ability to balance high- and low-brow entertainment, what makes “Game of Thrones” and its source material “A Song of Ice and Fire,” so great is how accurately it reflects our own world (minus all the dragons).
《权力的游戏》第五季将于下月回归荧屏。这部场面火爆、妙语连珠、明星大放异彩的美剧深受大家喜爱最大的原因,也许就是它如实的反映了世界的残酷吧 So what about the tech world? Read on the piece written in 2013 to learn what the biggest tech companies tell us about “Game of Thrones,” what “Game of Thrones” tells us about the biggest tech companies.
Google / House Stark
谷歌 / 斯塔克家族
Google’s motto is “Don’t be evil,” and if there’s one family that at least claims to operate under non-evil principles, it’s House Stark.
But in Westeros as in Mountain View, reality doesn’t always match perception. And after the Lannister-led execution of the family’s patriarch Ned, his son Robb falls just short of the family ethos, breaking an oath to a crucial ally.
Meanwhile, the last year hasn’t exactly been evil-free for Google. The company admitted its Street View project had violated unsuspecting users’ privacy.
In the coming months, both Robb and Google may be forced to deal with the consequences of their betrayal. But in the meantime, both families continue to make strides in key battlegrounds, as Robb keeps up his winning record on literal battlefields, and Google’s Android OS takes chunks out of Apple’s mobile market share .
But just as the rulers in King’s Landing still pose an existential threat to the Starks, there’s one area where Google has failed to contend: Social.
Facebook / House Lannister
Facebook / 兰尼斯特家族
Both Facebook and House Lannister are led by boy kings who are feared and mocked in equal measure. Both have a ton of cash, but also a ton of expenses (war isn’t cheap whether it’s fought with wildfire or lines of code). And while both ruling houses have a huge number of subjects, those subjects don’t always have a whole lot of trust in their overlords.
Facebook和兰尼斯特家族有很多的相似点,比如说他们的统治者都很年轻,有人畏惧也有人嘲笑;他们都很有钱,花钱也非常大方 Like the Lannisters, Facebook is arguably better at conquering than at ruling. It’s got all those users, sure, but Facebook needs to make sure its product is compelling enough that people keep coming back for more (not a simple proposition). “Power resides where men believe it resides,” says the eunuch Varys in the show’s second season. And if Facebook can’t make its billion users into true believers again, that 10-digit figure will be nothing more than a number.
Apple / Stannis Baratheon
苹果 / 斯坦尼斯•拜拉席恩
When Tim Cook, successor to the throne of Steve Jobs, gave his first TV interview as Apple CEO in Grand Central Station, hardly anyone noticed him. Obviously, a recognizable face and a dose of charisma is hardly a prerequisite for being a good CEO. But the iconography of Steve Jobs was so tied to Apple’s identity, many felt that when Jobs died, a little piece of Apple died with him.
This no-win situation for Cook is echoed perfectly in “Thrones.” After the death of the popular, charismatic Robert Baratheon, nobody could muster much excitement for his brother Stannis, nevermind that he was the rightful heir to his throne. Icons simply aren’t replaceable. So as Stannis suffered repeated indignities from those who would deny him the throne, Cook faced his own revolt from lordlings (read: shareholders). Then there was Apple’s disastrous Maps launch, and the company’s plummeting share price.
But don’t count either of them out yet. Just as Apple still has the best-selling smartphone in the world, Stannis still has that crazy witch lady who makes shadow monsters come out of her uterus.
Amazon / Daenerys Targaryen
亚马逊 / 丹尼莉丝•坦格里安
On first glance you may not see much in common between Jeff Bezos and Daenerys Targaryen. But take a closer look, and you’ll see that both belong to clans that have been around forever. Both are continually written off and yet keep finding unlikely ways to stay relevant. And they both use the same approach when dealing with rival merchants, which comes down to, “Join us, or I’ll vanquish you and your undying souls with dragonfire.” (Or in Amazon’s case, “Join us or you can’t use our API anymore.”)
也许一开始看不到Jeff Bezos和丹尼莉丝之间有什么相似点,不过细看之下,你会发现他们都属于永远打不倒的。亚马逊和塔格利安家族一样总是在惨败之后通过不可思议的方式存活下去。他们对付敌人的方法都差不多:加入我的阵营则生,反对我则死。 Just as the dragon mother rewards her subjects for their loyalty, Amazon makes its customers feel loved with streaming movies that rival Netflix, free shipping, and affordable tablets.
亚马逊和丹尼莉丝都能让他们的用户Yahoo / House Greyjoy
雅虎/ 葛雷乔伊家族
When Marissa Mayer took over as Yahoo’s CEO, it left many people scratching their heads. Why would a woman at the height of her career as a Google executive leave for such a maybe-doomed train-wreck?
很多人无法理解为什么Marissa Mayer选择在职业高峰期离开Google投奔即将灭亡的雅虎。
That’s the same way readers of the “Song of Ice and Fire” series felt when Theon Greyjoy betrayed his adopted clan by joining up with the deluded, backwards-thinking jackasses of the Iron Islands. For Theon, the move ended in ridicule, accidental incest, and betrayal at the hands of his own men. Of course Mayer is much more clever than poor Theon Greyjoy. But if Yahoo’s prior history with CEOs is any indication, she could suffer a similar fate.
Buzzfeed / Tyrion
Buzzfeed / 小恶魔提瑞昂
His whole life, people have underestimated him, laughed at him, called him names. And yet the dwarf son of Tywin Lannister has proven himself to be the most cunning of all of Westeros’ schemers. Meanwhile, Buzzfeed’s Jonah Peretti continues to fight conventional wisdom, proving that funny, viral listicles, and investigative journalism can coexist (and rack up millions of pageviews).
小恶魔一生都被人看低、被嘲笑、被辱骂,然而他最终却证明自己是最精明的阴谋者。Buzzfeed的总裁Jonah Peretti也仍在走非常规路线吸引眼球,证明搞笑与严肃的调查资讯能共存 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Twitter / Ravens and crows
推特 / 信鸦
Exhibit A for why Westeros is way cooler than our universe: Here, we send short messages named after the sound birds make. In Westeros, they send actual birds.
The Paypal Mafia / Varys, Littlefinger, Pycelle
Paypal / 黑手党、瓦里、小指头、派赛尔
Despite everyone else’s fighting and scheming, these are the guys who really run the show.
epic: 史诗般的
unmatched: 难以匹敌的
patriarch: 首领
betrayal: 背叛
conquer: 征服
charisma: 魅力
underestimate: 低估
cunning: 狡猾的
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