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发布时间:2020-05-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Since I was young, I have such doubts in my heart:


Why do you say, "kill Xia mingham, and there will be future generations?"


Why do you say, "if the circumference is broken, how can I cherish this head?"


Why do you say, "in order to relieve the suffering of the next generation, I would like to wear the bottom of the bucket!"


I look at you doubtfully, but you do not answer me, but look at the distance speechless.


Is it for the pursuit of nine dead but no regrets? Is it for the dream you never give up?


Perhaps, just like you: under the influence of those Leftist Mistakes, the Communist Party of China was forced to shift on the long march during the ten-year confrontation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. How do you want to achieve your faith with the army? But you choose to stay silent. You choose to face death without words to protect your faith without words. Although there is only one black-and-white photo of you and a few words in history books, these can't erase people's memory of you. Qu Qiubai, Qu Qiubai, you want to go to the Long March, but you have no words to give up and stay in Jiangxi. Your wordless loneliness shakes the hearts of so many people, only because of the loud voice and the thin voice, the snow is traceless.


Or, just like you. What I remember most in the long march exhibition is your eyes, which are firm and persistent without any retreat. Is that you It is you who leave seven precious matches in the face of death without complaining. Is that you It's when you give the world the last bit of dedication that you raise your thirty cent party dues. Is that you It is you who share your cotton padded clothes with your comrades, but you turn it into a crystal monument without regret.


... Countless, too many, too many, your wordless choice has left us indelible marks, although wordless, but the big sound is thin, the snow is traceless.


Time goes by for many years. It's true that throwing your head and spilling your blood more than 70 years ago has been sealed by time, but your speechlessness has never changed.


Like a spring breeze, like a handful of earth, like a green leaf, like a piece of ore. You are still fighting silently in this silent land you love.


Maybe you are student Li, you resolutely push away those two fresh lives and welcome your own death; maybe you are Ji Xianlin, you sincerely call to take the name of "master of Chinese Studies" and become a speechless; maybe you are the anonymous donors; maybe you are the speechless people who make new things for the country


You are all silent and traceless. In such a lonely and tranquil way, you have passed through the world brilliantly. You can't see the drizzle and wet clothes, but listen to the idle flowers. Maybe only the real independent can practice the silent life of "invisible and silent".


You still haven't said anything, but I think I've understood that it's so beautiful that there is no need to express it with words.


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