冯小刚炮轰屌丝群体 自称屌丝是自贱-查字典英语网
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冯小刚炮轰屌丝群体 自称屌丝是自贱

发布时间:2013-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Recently, director Feng Xiaogang talked about the " gigantic loser " in micro-blog. Can speak Chinese ask me: gigantic loser is what? I answer: JB is a hair, on the situation. The foreigner puzzled, asked: why a lot of your TV and newspaper used the word? Sounds like praise. I told him not to think it as shameful, here we feel proud. The foreigner thoroughly Meng: cultural differences, cultural differences. We have the freedom of speech, but the media never dare to use such a disgusting words describe the vulnerable groups. Said he is a root is a laugh; said he is a gigantic loser is that self base. Belong to two different groups: one is the vulnerable groups, one group is idiotic. Look at the comments, some people see light suddenly confused on the popular when; some people refuse to realize one's error insisted that this gigantic loser not shabby with gilded, who also block not to live, you keep. I heard this word thought of the three words. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Laugh? Ha, so his mother has a sense of humor.

  Net friend some support for Feng Xiaogang, while others believe that in order to make the gigantic loser life movie Feng Xiaogang known gradually lost the foundation of his fame, the more friends laughed at Feng Xiaogang's " one nine four two " encounter " embarrassed " gigantic loser Thai counterattack, still be indignant.

  Feng Xiaogang's home is not in free from the noise of urban luxury villa ( decoration effect diagram ) corner, nor to hide the lofty apartments in high peak of the iceberg, but enough in the Asian Sports Village plain in residential buildings, building appearance rough people living on the human survival environment has also produced question. When push the Pingdao home heavy door ( decoration effect diagram ), the house of strong contrast with the living room for the mind of people while there is a " short circuit ", all feel like Feng Dao's American friends describe as, simply "from hell into heaven ".





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