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发布时间:2020-05-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

We spoke with astrologer and Game of Thrones fan Annabel Gat, who writes monthly horoscopes for Broadly and has let us pick her brain in the past, about the probable zodiac signs of some of the series’ key players and whether their signs are compatible for both love and leadership. (Gat did note: “They probably don’t have the same constellations, but we’re just having fun.”)

我们就《权力的游戏》中的人物请教了占星师安娜贝尔•盖特,她是《Broadly》杂志的月度星座运势的专栏作者。盖特本人也是《权力的游戏》的粉丝。她为读者们分析了居中关键人物可能的星座属性,并分析了这些人物作为情侣和上下级在星座上是否相合。 What are the astrological signs of Game of Thrones characters?


Jamie Lannister: “I think it’s fair to call him a Leo because he is the golden child of the family. With Leo, there is this theme around their archetype of being the golden one, the one that is in the spotlight, the one that is the king of the jungle.”


Cersei Lannister: “She is a Cancer, which is the sign of nurturing and is associated with motherhood. Cancer is also a very patriotic sign. There are two main things that we can say about Cersei other than that she’s a crazy bitch: She loves her kids, she loves her country, and she wants to keep it for her children. Jamie and Cersei are twins, so you might think, at first, do they have the same Sun sign? No. They were born on the cusp, is what I decided. I’m going to say that Cersei and Jamie were born right at the cusp of Cancer and Leo, and that Cersei came out with Sun in Cancer and that Jamie came out with Sun in Leo.”


Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger: “Gemini is the trickster of the Zodiac. It’s all about information, collecting information and knowing what to say and how to manipulate things and pull strings. It is also one of the signs that is associated with commerce because Mercury deals with commerce. So, who else could this be other than Baelish?”


Brienne of Tarth: “Virgo is also associated with these same themes around travel. Brienne is going from place to place with Catelyn and Sansa to protect them. Virgo is the sign of servitude and she’s in service for these people, basically giving her life to protect them. Virgo is also the sign that has to do with daily routine and ritual, and there is a lot of ritual involved with being a knight. Like, in the episode where Brienne swore a vow to Sansa, that’s so Virgo.”


Bran Stark: “He’s very psychic and he’s very close to animals as he has relationships with the Three-Eyed Raven and the direwolves. I’m going to call him a Virgo because he has inner vision. But I could be swayed.”


Sansa Stark: “When we first started Sansa’s story all she wanted to do was get married, and that’s a total Libra thing. Libras can be annoying with that relationship thing. They are all about peace, love, and balance, and she was really annoyed with Arya not being a peaceful and harmonious beautiful little thing. Another theme of Libra is justice. As she’s getting older, she wants to right the wrongs that have been happening to her and her family.”


Margaery Tyrell: “She is a Taurus because she’s not fucking going anywhere. Tauruses are all about stability and structure and you can’t move them unless they want to move. Fine, she’s not going to marry Joffrey? That’s okay, she’s staying exactly where she is and she’s just going to marry Tommen. Also, Taurus is one of the signs associated with beauty and luxury. Margaery is definitely beautiful, has lots of luxury around her, and was enjoying life right up until about now.”


Daenerys Targaryen: “Aries is the sign of independence and leadership; she is the breaker of chains. It’s also a fire sign, and Daenerys is the Unburnt [and the Mother of Dragons].”


Arya Stark: “Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth. Right now, Arya is dying and she’s being reborn as ‘The Girl With No Name.’ Even before that happened, Arya’s whole thing was her revenge list. She used to go to bed every single night naming the names of the people she was going to kill. I don’t know who does that other than a Scorpio. And even before she had the list of names, she had to go undercover as a boy, and Scorpio is one of the signs of mystery.”


Melisandre: “I don’t think I’ve seen enough aspects of her personality. She strikes me as someone who is a water sign because she is so mysterious and she is magical. She strikes me as a Scorpio or a Pisces due to her magical abilities and her sexual energy.”


Tyrion Lannister: “Jupiter in Sagittarius is the sign of knowledge, expansion, limitlessness, and having fun. Tyrion is all about “the god of tits and wine.” There is nothing more Sagittarius. Sagittariuses like to party, but they are also really fucking smart. They are very charming and they get along with everyone, but they also have a really good grasp on what’s right and wrong.”


Samwell Tarly: “Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. It’s very sensitive and empathetic. Samwell Tarly is at Castle Black and is supposed to be this badass fighter, but he’s like: I wanna think about things, I’m a philosopher. He’s a reader, he’s all about knowledge. He’s very nurturing and he’s very caring.”


Missandei: “She’s another character who I don’t think we’ve seen enough sides of! Because she was an interpreter, and she acts as an advisor to Dany, that makes me think Gemini or Sagittarius; however, she also seems really serene and intuitive, which makes me think Pisces or Virgo. I’m not sure which sign she is, but I get ‘mutable’ sign vibes from her based on her occupations and her general demeanor!”

弥桑黛:这个人物我也看不透。因为她是一个 Lord Varys: “A lot of people think Varys is a Scorpio because he knows stuff, but Aquarius people know stuff, too. They are just as good as being detectives and spies. I always say a Scorpio might spy on you, but an Aquarius will actually hack you. They are the hackers of the Zodiac. Even though there isn’t any hacking going on there [on Game of Thrones], I have a feeling that Varys would be good at doing something like that. Also, Varys is really friendly and he knows how to get along with people. He strikes me as someone who is a humanitarian, is about community, and is a really good leader.”


Jon Snow: “He is a total Capricorn, even down to his name. His last name is Snow, and Capricorn is the first sign of winter. Capricorn can be a dark sign, it’s all about work, it’s all about tasks, it’s not really about having fun. Here we have this character who has a long road of work ahead of him, and he is not really allowed to have fun and drink and hang out with the goddess of wine. Also, a huge theme of Capricorn is climbing the top of whatever mountain you’re climbing, whether it’s becoming the king or becoming president.”


Ramsay Bolton: “I don’t feel like I’ve seen enough of his personality to really know what sign he is. I think he could be a Capricorn, but a very evil immature one. Like Jon Snow, he was a Snow until his dad decided he could be a Bolton. He’s another Snow who’s trying to gain power and wants to climb up the ranks.”



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