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发布时间:2020-05-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

There’s just over a month to go before Game of Thrones is back on our TV screens– and in preparation we’ve already bleached our hair, splashed out on some fake wings for the cats, and added the suffix “Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men” to our email sign-off.


Thanks to last night’s exciting new trailer, we’re now going to spend the next four weeks humming an extra-melancholy version of Wicked Game and speculating about what all the clips we’ve seen so far tell us about season six.


Here are our some of our biggest questions:


1. It’s R+L=J time! Will we finally discover who Jon Snow’s parents are?


Officially, of course, Snow is the out-of-wedlock son of the late Eddard Stark (the nobleman played by Sean Bean in season one) and a mystery woman. But very few fans still believe this to be the case.

当然,官方来说,雪诺是艾德·史塔克 To date, both the show and George RR Martin’s book series have dropped some heavy hints about the parentage of Kit Harington’s unsmiley – and very likely deceased – Nights Watch man.


Eagle-eyed fans have now spotted that the latest Game of Thrones trailer appears to show some flashback scenes featuring a young Eddard Stark. In them, he’s battling men clad in Targaryen armour.


Book-readers will recognise the above as a sign that we’re going to be looking at a key chapter of Westerosi history, and, vey likely, at events that took place at a location known as the Tower of Joy.


This Tower, in case you need a memory boost, was where Stark encountered his dying sister Lyanna after her abduction by Rhaegar Targaryen. Her last words were "Promise me, Ned."

为防你忘记,这座塔就是史塔克遇到垂死的姐姐莱安娜的地方,此前莱安娜被雷加·坦格利安绑架了,而她的最后一句话是“答应我,内德 This took place towards the end of the war between the mad Targaryen king (Rhaegar’s father) and Robert Baratheon (later King Robert).

这一事件发生在疯狂的坦格利安国王 We’re not going to spell out the theory here (google “R+L+J” if you’re curious). Suffice to say, many fans believe the scene could hold the key to Jon’s true heritage.

在这里,我们不是要阐述这个理论 Could we finally be getting some answers in season six?


2. Did Kit Harington really come back just to play a corpse?


Those of us who aren’t convinced by Harington’s acting prowess might quip that the star has always been just a bit corpse-like. But, jokes aside, at the end of season five, Jon Snow looked very, very dead.


The actor recently stated , in an interview with Time Out, that he had returned to show to play a “corpse” – and last night’s trailer appears to confirm this.

最近,哈灵顿接受英国生活杂志《Time Out》访问时表示,他是回来演“尸体”的,昨晚的预告片似乎也证实了这一点。

However, some Twitter-users claimed that the character could also seen riding on horseback during a brief battle scene.


We're also very intrigued by the trailer’s final shot, in which Davos Seaworth (Liam Cunningham) is seen brandishing a sword, above Jon’s lifeless body – with Jon’s Direwolf Ghost waiting beside his master.

我们对预告片的最后一个镜头也很感兴趣,达沃斯·席渥斯 Is Davos performing some sort of ritual – perhaps with the help of Carice Van Houten's Red Priestess Melisandre?


“I’ve never been much of a fighter. Apologies for what you’re about to see,” he says– before, frustratingly, the clip cuts to black.


3. Is The Hound coming back?


The short answer to this? Yes, probably.


We already knew that excellent British thesp Ian McShane would be joining the show in April, taking on a significant but undisclosed role. But recent comments from McShane made it clear that the actor will most likely be playing a character named the Elder Brother.


“My character is an ex-warrior who has become a peacenik," McShane told BBC Breakfast. "So I have this group of peaceful…sort of a cult, a peaceful tribe. I bring back a much loved character who everyone thinks is dead."


In Martin’s books, the Elder Brother leads an island community of men who have taken a vow of silence. Known as the Quiet Isle, it’s a peaceful place, where washed-up penitents can find some respite from past trauma.


At one point in Martin’s book A Feast For Crows, Brienne (played on the show by Gwendoline Christie) visits the island and notices a gravedigger, who bears a strong physical resemblance to The Hound/Sandor Clegane.

在马丁的书《群鸦的盛宴》中,布蕾妮 It’s worth noting, however, that the character is never explicitly named – and the “sighting” deliberately left ambiguous. But McShane’s comments suggest the show may make The Hound’s return a little more definite.


4. What are Jaime and Cersei up to?


"We're the only ones that matter," says Jaime Lannister to his sister/lover Cersei in the latest trailer. "Everything they've taken from us, we're going to take back – and more."


Fans of both the books and the show have speculated that Jaime – arguably the most likeable of the pair – will eventually turn on his amoral sister.


But, judging by the trailer, season six will see the pair, who have now lost two of their three children (only youg King Tommen remains) united and closer than ever.

但从预告片来看,第六季中这一对已经失去了三个孩子中的两个5. Who is getting flayed?


Some fans have suggested that the flayed, urning body spotted in the trailer could belong to the already-dead Stannis Baratheon – we’re pretty sure the oh-so-delightful Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon) isn’t averse to a spot of corpse torture. The instant cut to Melisandre also seems to hint at this.

一些剧迷指出,预告片里被剥皮并被烧成灰的尸体可能属于已经死去的史坦尼斯·拜拉——我们很确定变态的拉姆齐·博尔顿 On the other hand, we’re equally sure that Ramsay enjoys flaying living people – suggesting that someone else entirely may have been relieved of their skin.


6. What is Daenerys up to?


In the latest trailer, Emilia Clarke's silver-haired dragon queen is seen looking pretty miserable, marching alongside a horde of starving, dispossessed wanderers, outside the Dohraki city of Vaes Dothrak (we can tell it's Vaes Dothrak because of the giant horse statue).

在最新的预告片中,伊米莉亚·克拉克饰演的银发龙女看起来很狼狈,与一大群饥饿、一无所有的流浪汉在维斯·多斯拉克的多斯拉克城外一起行军。 It’s worth noting, however, that Daenerys – a former victim sold into marriage by her oppressive brother, who rose to become a queen – has always been a champion of the downtrodden and the powerless.


Now that she’s again at a low point, will she find the strength to rise once more – with new vigour and a new army?




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