Men all over India have taken to twitter to post selfies with their daughters to raise awareness for women's welfare in India.
Indian Prime Minister Nirandi Modi implored fathers to post photos accompanied by the hashtag #SelfieWithDaughters on a radio programme broadcast on June 28 - within hours it was trending on Twitter in India and has since started trending worldwide.
The concept was launched to back the 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' campaign, which aims to tackle the gender ratio gap in India caused by female foeticide and to improve female education.
Prime Minister Modi said on the radio broadcast: 'Let us start a campaign for social security for women.'
Fathers all over the country immediately started posting photos with their daughters along with heart-warming tributes to support the 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' campaign, which translates roughly as 'Save girl child, educate girl child'.
印度全国的父亲立刻响应号召,纷纷发布与女儿的合照,并附上支持该运动的暖心话。该运动名称 Politician Vijay Goel posted his picture with the message: 'My daughter, my pillar of strength!'
政治家维杰·戈埃尔One father by the name of Gaurav tweeted: 'Daughters are angels from heaven, a true blessing.'
一位名叫高拉夫 Another dad, Hamet Nahata said: 'I smile the most when I see you smiling - Tashvi, thank you for making my life full of joy.'
还有一位名叫罕穆特·纳哈塔 Tweeter Suresh Nakhua posted a picture with his two daughters and his wife with the message: 'Daughters are more than sons.'
推特用户苏雷什·纳库华 While father Hardik Dave said simply: 'Me & my princess.'
一位名叫哈迪克·戴夫 Businessman Ramesh Taurani tweeted an image of him with this three daughters and wrote: 'I'm not a big fan of selfies but here's one of my favourite pics with my 3 amazing girls.'
商人拉美什·陶拉尼(Ramesh Taurani)分享了他和三个女儿的照片,并写道:“我不爱自拍,但是和我三个神奇宝贝的合照是我最喜爱的照片之一。”
After the radio programme, the Prime Minister explained in a tweet that the idea for the father and daughter photos had originated in a small village in Haryana, where rates of female foeticide are known to be particularly high.
The practice of forcefully miscarrying baby girls is still a serious issue in poorer parts of the country and is said to have increased since ultrasound technology to determine the sex of babies has become more widely available.
foeticide: 堕胎