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发布时间:2020-05-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


1. 《无比美妙的痛苦》 The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Christopher Li: It’s a book that was recently made into a movie, and it’s about a couple of cancer patients who fall in love. I’m reading toward the end of the book now and a lot of sad things are happening. I like it a lot. During college I read more challenging literature and philosophy, but now I tend to read books that are a little more straightforward and easy to follow emotionally. I think [The Fault in Our Stars is] pretty well written and has a good amount of depth to it without being too challenging for me.

推荐人克里斯多弗·李2. 《只是孩子》 作者:帕蒂·史密斯

Just Kids by Patti Smith

Djenne Grant: My best friend said she loved the book and I’m now reading it for school. I just started and have to finish it in two weeks. I really like it so far. No one bothers you [when you’re reading on the subway], you can go inside a different world. [On the subway, I’ve noticed] we’re moving away from vampire stories and now we’re reading more novels based in real life.

推荐人杰内·格兰特3. 《快闪小子》 作者:迈克尔·刘易斯

Flash Boys by Michael Lewis

Everdeen Mason: The book is about the stock market – I think the author has done a couple books about that – and it’s particularly about a young guy who works for a Canadian trading firm, and he discovers the world of high frequency trading and how that allows traders to prey on innocents. Right now he’s trying to rally and get people to start their own stock market to stop this from happening. I like how it’s written. Lewis takes something that could be a dry subject and makes it really punchy, and he describes the characters in really fun ways.

推荐人埃弗丁·梅森4. 《同恶棍在一起》 作者:比尔·比福德

Among the Thugs by Bill Buford

J Mikal Davis: It’s about football hooligans, mostly Man United, in the 1980s. It’s an American immersing himself in this subculture and just trying to figure out what these guys are thinking –kind of like Hunter S Thompson going into the Hells Angels. It could get hairy very quickly, but he’s made himself part of these guys and their world. I sometimes miss my stop because I get so into my books. I’ll sometimes get off at my stop and then sit on a bench to finish a chapter before moving on.

推荐人J·米卡尔·戴维斯5. 《双倍的自由劳动》 作者:亚历克斯·利希滕斯坦

Twice the Work of Free Labor by Alex Lichtenstein

Jim Zarroli: It’s a very academic book about the convict-labour system in the south after the Civil War. Rather than being sent to prison, convicts were leased out to businesses, to mines, even to factories for very low amounts of money and they had to do forced labour for years, often as punishment for very mild crimes. And that’s something that continued in the South for years until it was replaced by the chain-gang system in 1908. People would be incarcerated for 10 years for crimes like stealing a pair of globes. Many of the prisoners were African-Americans, freed slaves, and this was almost like a way of re-enslaving them.

推荐人吉姆·扎罗利6. 《丧女》 作者:尼可·谷川

WataMote by Nico Tanigawa

Jacqueline Libato: It’s a Japanese Manga series that translates as No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular. I identify a lot with the character’s struggles in high school – so many people think that high school will be the pinnacle of their social life, but she’s disappointed because she doesn’t really fit in at all – she loves to spend her time playing anime video games – and she’s desperately trying to make friends. It’s too bad this series takes so long to be translated into English!

推荐人杰奎琳·利巴托(Jacqueline Libato):这是一部日本连环漫画,7. 《欢迎来到猴子屋》 作者:库尔特·冯内古特

Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut

Jessica O’Keeffe: It’s a short story collection. I just started it, but I’m a big Vonnegut fan. I prefer novels to short stories, but I’ve read all of Vonnegut’s novels so now I’m starting in on his short stories.

推荐人杰西卡·奥基弗8. 《厨师之旅》 作者:安东尼·伯尔顿

A Cook’s Tour by Anthony Bourdain

Nicole Stutz: Anthony Bourdain travels to all kinds of countries looking for the perfect meal, usually Third World countries, where he tries home-cooked meals, family meals. I love traveling and I really enjoy food, and he does dig deep and find what is the perfect meal – it could be a small cafe you like or a Michelin three-star-rated restaurant. And some of the best times he had was just with whiskey, a pack of cigarettes and a home-cooked meal with a bunch of friends in Cambodia. He has a great outlook on life and I have a crush on him now.

推荐人尼古拉·施图茨9. 《亚伯》 作者:亚历克西斯·德沃

Yabo by Alexis De Veaux

Ray Leone Allen: I actually went to a talk about it yesterday at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. It’s about an intersex child name Jules, a black intersex child, and it’s an experimental look at gender, race, spirit, consciousness. I didn’t know a lot about it, but the talk was amazing. I’m only on page 22 now, but I’m enjoying it.

推荐人雷·莱昂内·艾伦10. 《到灯塔去》 作者:弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫

To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

Ria Samartzi: It’s a book about a family holidaying on the Isle of Wight and several people who have come to stay with him. I like the way it moves through the different characters’ minds as if there were a camera present. It’s very cinematic. You don’t have to deal with the ugliness of the subway when you’re reading.



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