11月20日,中国国家主席习近平在惠灵顿总督府出席新西兰总督迈特帕里举行的欢迎仪式。 新华社记者丁林摄
Hongi A hongi is a traditional Māori greeting in New Zealand. It is done by pressing one's nose and forehead (at the same time) to another person at an encounter.
It is used at traditional meetings among Māori people and on major ceremonies and serves a similar purpose to a formal handshake in modern culture.
欢迎仪式序幕:Wero The ceremonial challenge called the wero or taki is an ancient warrior tradition of the Māori used to determine whether visitors came in peace or with hostile intent.
欢迎仪式 The wero commences with the warrior advancing towards the visitors. He carries the rakau tapu(dart)tucked in his belt as he advances, flourishing a taiaha(wooden fighting staff).
挑战表演时,主人一方的勇士向客人提出挑战。这名勇士通常手持长矛 The warrior places the dart at the feet of President Xi. At a signal, President Xi moves forward and picks up the dart, all the while keeping his eyes on the warrior. Once the dart has been picked up, the warrior slaps his right thigh to signal that the visiting party may enter the area.
Karanga The call of the karanga welcomes the visitors.
Karanga通常是高声呼唤或吟唱,用以欢迎来宾。 数十名毛利族青少年跳起传统的哈卡舞。
Haka Powhiri President Xi, Madame Peng and the delegation are likened to passengers on a waka(ancient war canoe)that is about to come ashore. The Māori Welcoming Party performs a number of short haka imitating the hauling of the canoe ashore. The gestures of the body, tongue and eyes link with chanting to convey excitement and joy at the arrival of the Guests of Honor.
在欢迎舞仪式中,习近平主席、夫人彭丽媛、以及代表团的成员仿佛是乘坐在毛利人古代战时用的独木舟 11月20日,中国国家主席习近平在惠灵顿总督府出席新西兰总督迈特帕里举行的欢迎仪式。这是习近平和夫人彭丽媛与迈特帕里总督夫妇在欢迎仪式上。新华社记者姚大伟摄