《唐顿庄园》的演员和“好莱坞伯爵” George Clooney has a new title: Lord Hollywood.
At least he does in the “Downton Abbey” charity skit that aired Friday in the U.K to benefit the British charity Text Santa.
The movie star played a version of himself in the sketch, which saw Lord Robert Crowley (Hugh Bonneville) discovering with the help of an angel (played by “Absolutely Fabulous” star Joanna Lumley) what life at Downton Abbey would be like without him.
这位著名演员在剧中本色出演。曾出演英国电视剧《荒唐阿姨》 In the alternate reality, the Earl of Grantham is aghast to learn that his wife Cora has married another man: George Oceans Gravity, Marquis of Hollywood, otherwise known as Lord Hollywood (Clooney).
这位格兰瑟姆伯爵 The skit indulged in many winks to the audience, starting with Hollywood’s charms working not only on Crowley’s wife but even his mother Violet (Maggie Smith), who faints after receiving a kiss from him.
观众会看到克鲁尼在剧中频频抛媚眼献香吻,除了对克劳利的妻子外,还让饰演克劳利的母亲维奥莱特 Another wink was when the “Downton” cast assembled for a selfie with Clooney’s character, reminiscent of the famous Oscar selfie initiated by host Ellen DeGeneres.
另一个亮点是《唐顿庄园》的演员们和克鲁尼拍了一张自拍照,让人想起由今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持人艾伦·德杰尼勒斯 “This is ridiculous,” Crowley grumbles. “That man has the entire household behaving like fools.”
Luckily, the patriarch realizes that Downton is better with him, returning him to his life with his family, with the skit ending with the cast singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”
For those who want even more “Downton Abbey,” the drama’s fifth season will debut in the U.S. on Jan. 4 on PBS.
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