As schools nationwide have gradually reopened following the stabilization of the domestic novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, the National Health Commission has urged schools to ensure sufficient outdoor activities for students.
Schools should guarantee at least two hours of outdoor activities a day for pupils. For students who have been diagnosed as nearsighted, the outdoor hours can be extended.
It is important to urge children to go outside during recess while making sure that sports activities are rolled out at staggered hours.
近视的医学专业术语是myopia,读作 [maɪˈoʊpiə],但是日常生活中人们通常用nearsightedness / shortsightedness来表示,比如:Tom is nearsighted/shortsighted because he used to play games in darkness whole night long. 其他相关的表达还有:远视
When organizing mass eyesight screening programs on campus, Wang said outdoor spaces or spacious, well-ventilated facilities are preferred. It is also important to disinfect testing equipment regularly, wear face masks and maintain social distancing during checks.
此外,对于防蓝光设备可预防近视的社会关注,北京同仁医院副院长、眼科主任魏文斌指出,蓝光分为长波蓝光和短波蓝光,只有短波蓝光 【相关背景】
2018年8月底,教育部等八部委联合发布《综合防控儿童青少年近视实施方案》。其中国家资讯出版署提出要实施网络游戏总量调控 方案提出:
The overall myopia rate among teenagers reduces by more than 0.5 percentage points per year from 2018 until 2023. Provinces with a high incidence of myopia are required to cut at least 1 percentage point per year.
By 2030, the myopia rate for 6-year-old children should be below 3 percent, for primary school students, below 38 percent, for middle school students, below 60 percent, and for high school students, below 70 percent.
近视 nearsightedness/myopia
视力不良 poor vision
弱视 vision impairment
视力健康 visual health
眼保健操 eye exercises