

发布时间:2020-05-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


It is said that Confucius, a great educator, lived to the 1990s and still worked on "preaching, imparting knowledge and solving puzzles". On the one hand, it is to make full use of residual heat, on the other hand, it is also for livelihood consideration.


Confucius in his old age didn't mix well. Although he has ever been abroad, spoken, studied, and read books, and has a high reputation, but eventually because he does not know English, Russian, or Japanese, the foreign language title examination is always too late to pass, so in the University, he is always unable to evaluate the professor or Associate Professor, and finally has to retire in disgrace.


After his retirement, Confucius thought for many days behind closed doors, and finally returned to his hometown to go back to private school. He not only entrusted his family and friends, but also went to the bank for loans. Finally, he collected millions of yuan and founded Kong middle school. On the day of the school's listing, local politicians and other celebrities all came to the door to congratulate, and local newspapers also made headlines. Due to Confucius' great appeal, good student resources, high level of hired teachers, and Confucius' education thought has been well implemented, the education quality of Confucius middle school is good, and the enrollment rate is higher than one year. When it comes to enrollment, it's even more crowded.


The wheel of history turned to one day at the end of the 20th century. The competent department called Confucius to the Education Bureau for a meeting, to convey the instructions of the higher authorities that the private schools should also carry out quality-oriented education, and should no longer carry out "exam oriented education", and the private schools should also reduce the burden of students' schoolwork, and should no longer engage in subject naval warfare.


As the meeting was very important, a leader of the county also spoke at the meeting. "Reducing the burden" is a big thing, and we should not be careless. Both public and private schools should do a good job in this work. We must change our ideas. In the past, Confucius' emphasis on learning and learning at the beginning of the Analects was reasonable. Learning really needs repeated review. The purpose of repeated review is to gain something and to learn from the past. But if we let students' study 'and' warm 'go on without restriction, wouldn't it increase the students' academic burden? So, I seriously suggest today, can we limit the number of 'learning' to five or six times? You must grasp both hands, both hands must be hard, one hand must grasp the rate of enrollment, the other hand must grasp "reducing the burden". According to the county's unified regulations, the amount of homework for primary school students should not exceed one hour a day. If anyone increases the burden of schoolwork and lets students drink pesticides and hang, the teacher is dismissed, the principal is dismissed, the school is closed, and criminal responsibility should be investigated! "


To be honest, when Confucius was still teaching in the University, he heard about the heavy burden on primary and secondary school students. After he returned to his hometown to establish a private school, he also repeatedly warned the teachers not to increase the burden of students' schoolwork, and to work hard with half the effort. He even stopped publicizing his famous saying "learning while learning is not too much.".


However, Confucius's words do not work at present. The teachers of Kong's middle school engage in the appointment system, and later follow the trend of the times to choose teachers from students. Parents have a mind to send their children to take the entrance examination of secondary school, University, postgraduate entrance examination and study abroad. Who can help their children to achieve good results in examinations is a good teacher loved by students, supported by parents and respected by the society. If any teacher reforms and "reduces the burden" and reduces the student's grades and the school's enrollment rate, a thousand parents will not agree, ten thousand will not agree, or even attack together, and urge the school to "lay off" the teacher. Therefore, the teachers of Kong's middle school are secretly more active, and they have made great efforts to pay attention to the enrollment rate. The brave teacher even said to Confucius in public, "President Kong, you'd better improve the quality of education first. If Kong's middle school can't test a few technical secondary school students and college students all year round, who will come to your school? " Confucius thought that it was also reasonable. The competition for admission to higher education was too fierce, and it was not good to pay attention to the rate of admission, so he opened one eye and closed the other. He did not take the "burden reduction" seriously.


Confucius didn't dare to be careless this time. As soon as he came back from the Education Bureau, he immediately held the teachers' meeting of the whole school, so as to convey the instructions of his superiors, and read the relevant documents aloud according to the book. At last, he made it clear that he could not confront his superiors on this issue, so he must reduce the burden of students. If anyone had any problems on this issue, he would "kill them Don't talk about it. "Never be soft hearted.


President Kong shows a "hard" attitude, and those teachers who are recruited naturally dare not object publicly. Some of the young teachers who secretly speculated in the stock market shouted: "whoops, we are liberated!" From then on, Kongs middle school could not hear the sound of reading in the morning, could not see the teacher's shadow in the afternoon, and could not turn on the fluorescent lamp in the evening.


The burden of students has been reduced, but the opinions of parents have increased. One of the parents, who was also the leader of the county, even asked Confucius in person, "when the problem of the enrollment rate hasn't been solved, what's the" negative "of your" reduction "? It's a small matter whether your Kong middle school can do it or not. The future of the children is a big matter. Old Kong, you have to think of a perfect plan. "


Confucius can't think of this all-around strategy. The only thing he wants to do is to focus on "reducing the burden" and improving the quality of education, but it's not easy. Let's take individualized teaching as an example. It's really a good way to improve the quality of education. However, Confucius used to teach in small classes. After decades of education, he brought 3000 students and only 70 sages. But now Kongs middle school will recruit 3000 students a year, and only 100 teachers. How can we have the time, energy and ability to teach students according to their aptitude! Besides, if we do not teach students in accordance with their aptitude, more than 1000 college students will be admitted to Kongzi middle school every year.


Parents have more and more opinions, so there are more and more countermeasures: parents who have the way let their children transfer to school; parents who have the ticket ask their children for tutors; parents who have the house rent the house to others to do remedial classes, and let their children attend: parents who have neither the way nor the ticket nor the house simply let their children drop out of school.


The number of students and teachers in Kongs middle school is decreasing day by day. Those teachers who have the ability to grasp the enrollment rate have been hired by those schools that do not engage in "load reduction" secretly. Those who stay are either retired or close to retirement, or those with weak wings.


After another two years of turning the wheel of history, Kong's middle school had to close down. Interestingly, the local newspaper that once reported the opening of Kongzi middle school on the front page used the front page headline to send the news that Kongzi middle school was closed, and intended to publish Confucius' paper "on the seven relationships of" reducing load "on the front page.


In this 5000 word paper, Confucius believed that in order to scientifically and effectively implement the spirit of "burden reduction" in the new situation, we must deal with the relationship between "burden reduction" and quality, reduce the burden of students, improve the quality of education, deal with the relationship between "burden reduction" and responsibility, reduce the burden of students, enhance the responsibility of teachers and improve the quality, and correctly handle the problem To manage the relationship between excessive burden and reasonable burden, the excessive burden must be reduced, and the reasonable burden cannot be reduced at all; the relationship between reducing the burden of schoolwork and reducing the psychological burden must be handled correctly, the excessive burden of schoolwork must be reduced, and the excessive psychological burden must be reduced; the relationship between "reducing burden" and examination and testing must be handled correctly, and the burden of students should be reduced, and the examination should be conducted The test standard should be innovated; the relationship between "reducing load" and traditional education thought must be correctly handled; reducing load is the trend of modern reform, but the reasonable core of traditional education thought, such as diligent study and hard practice, learning from the past and learning from the new, cannot be totally denied; the relationship among family, school and society must be correctly handled, comprehensive governance must be implemented, and "reducing load" in school and "increasing load" in parents must be resolutely eliminated The phenomenon.


In the six months after the closure of Kongzi middle school, it is hard to see Confucius. Some people say that Confucius is sleeping in bed to recuperate, some say that Confucius is writing his memoir "Kongzi middle school", some say that Confucius has been hired by another private school that does not engage in "burden reduction", others say that Confucius is bidding for a new private school.


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