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发布时间:2013-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  26 days, Zhao Benshan was a Shanghai newspaper reported that: " Liaoning Tieling 680000000 yuan plots empty-handed trader! For the development of real estate " news, Zhao Benshan since the Spring Festival evening show, once again aroused great concern. " Zhao Benshan is not on the Spring Festival Gala, engage in real estate, " came the drifting profusely and disorderly. This afternoon, West China Metropolis Daily reporter and Phoenix Entertainment, on-line interview according to media art director Liu Shuangping. He represented Zhao Benshan denied media reports in Shanghai of " Benshan media empty-handed trader Tieling Metro 680000000 yuan plots " news, saying it is misleading false news out of thin air!

  A Shanghai newspaper reported on February 26th, Tieling new city for a piece of Benshan media " reserved " has long been the prime sites, even with the price of 680000000 yuan by the Tieling city park management office to competition, while the latter is only the full allocation of Tieling City Finance Bureau deputy institutions at or above the county level.

  This is obviously not in conformity with the land transfer market conventional behind, is a land for the " Errenzhuan ": for Tieling Metro performance promises imminent, just can't wait to Benshan media on hand, before this move. However, the media could not withdraw eagle is also a reason: in recent years, Tieling City Metro construction and the population into the gap, causing a serious shortage of demand for real estate, a large number of projects deferred or stopped, and the local financial revenue and expenditure is more and more serious upside down. Although the Tieling Municipal Bureau of finance support, Tieling Metro 2013 results are still expected to " standard ", but not the actual demand, a land market " prosperity " long, built on the basis of the listing Corporation and the benign operation need how long, investors consider.

  The " reserved " has long been the prime sites, is the Zhao Benshan company.

  According to this news, this afternoon, West China Metropolis Daily reporter interview, connection according to media art director Liu Shuangping. He represented Zhao Benshan denied media reports in Shanghai of " Benshan media empty-handed trader Tieling Metro 680000000 yuan plots " news. This is misleading false news out of thin air! Liu Shuangping in an interview with reporters, said: Tieling is the hometown of Mr. Zhao Benshan, Mr. Zhao home construction and development has been very concerned about the. In the process of new town construction in Tieling, Tieling city leaders invited " Liu Laogen big stage " opened a chain of theaters in Tieling metro, and set aside a piece of land. Considering the " Liu Laogen big stage " opened in the Tieling Metro conditions are not mature, this project is not a substantive progress. The so-called " Benshan media empty-handed trader Tieling Metro 680000000 yuan plots " false news reports is it is sheer fiction. The development of Tieling is very good, as long as there is a suitable opportunity, Zhao teacher will be back home to invest in the development of cultural industry.

  When a reporter asked Zhao Benshan teacher status, Liu Shuangping said: Zhao teacher is preparing to participate in the National Political Consultative conference. To be elected as a member of the CPPCC National Committee, Zhao teachers feel very honored, he felt that this is the party and the people gave him a new honor, will cherish. Zhao teacher will perform a CPPCC member responsibility, the active political participation, make proposals, put yourself in the inheritance of folk arts, performing arts, film and television industry development, sharing culture enterprise management experience with everyone, promote the rapid and healthy development of China's cultural industry.

  26日, 赵本山被上海某报公开报道声称:“空手操盘辽宁铁岭6.8亿元地块!准备开发房地产的消息,赵本山自春晚后,再次引起了很大关注。“赵本山不上春晚,搞房地产,传得纷纷扬扬。今天下午,华西都市报记者和凤凰娱乐,连线采访本山传媒艺术总监刘双平。他代表赵本山坚决否认上海媒体报道的“本山传媒空手操盘铁岭新城6.8亿元地块的资讯,称这是无中生有误导读者的假资讯!







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