陨石小行星接踵而来 科学家称两者无关-查字典英语网
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陨石小行星接踵而来 科学家称两者无关

发布时间:2020-04-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编


The trail of a falling object is seen above the Urals city of Chelyabinsk February 15, 2013, in this picture.

The meteor explosion over Russia that injured more than 500 people and damaged hundreds of buildings was not caused by an asteroid zooming close by the Earth today (Feb.15), a NASA scientist says.

NASA asteroid expert Don Yeomans, head of the agency's Near-Earth Object Program Office, told SPACE.com that the object which exploded over a thinly inhabited stretch of eastern Europe today was most likely an exploding fireball known as a bolide.

More than 500 people were injured, mostly by glass cuts when windows shattered during the blast, according to the Russian Emergency Ministry.

"If the reports of ground damage can be verified, it might suggest an object whose original size was several meters in extent before entering the atmosphere, fragmenting and exploding due to the unequal pressure on the leading side vs the trailing side (it pancaked and exploded)," Yeomans told SPACE.com in an email. "It is far too early to provide estimates of the energy released or provide a reliable estimate of the original size."

Yeoman stressed that the bolide event was likely not associated at all with the incoming asteroid 2017 DA14, which will fly within 17,200 miles (27,000 kilometers) of Earth when it passes safely by our planet today.

"The asteroid will travel south to north," Yeomans said. "The bolide trail was not south to north and the separation in time between the fireball and 2017 DA14 close approach is significant."

Asteroid 2017 DA14 is 150 feet (45 meters) wide — about half the size of a football field — and will make its closest approach to Earth at 2:24 p.m. EST (1924 GMT) when it passes over Indonesia. It will be about 5,000 miles (8,046 kilometers) closer to Earth than the communications satellites circling the planet in geosynchronous orbits.

NASA scientists and professional and amateur astronomers around the world have been tracking asteroid 2017 DA14 since it was first discovered by a team of amateurs in February 2017. Not only does the asteroid pose no threat to Earth during today's flyby, but it will not hit Earth for the foreseeable future, NASA scientists have said.


(Source: Yahoo News)





耶麦斯强调说,这起火流星爆炸事件与即将掠过地球的小行星2017 DA14没有任何关系、小行星2017 DA14会安全地近距离掠过地球,与地球的距离不超过1.72英里

耶麦斯说:“这颗小行星将由南至北掠过地球,而火流星的飞行轨迹不是从南向北,而且火流星爆炸与小行星2017 DA14掠过地球的时间相差很大。”

小行星2017 DA14有150英尺

2017年2月,一组业余爱好者首次发现了2017 DA14,美国宇航局科学家以及来自全球的专家及业余天文爱好者一直在追踪它。美国宇航局科学家表示,这颗小行星不但没有在此次掠过地球时对地球构成威胁,而且今后也不会撞击地球。



bolide: 火流星,爆发流星


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