国内英语资讯:Chinese FM urges countries to avoid groundless suspicions in global fight against COVID-19-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:Chinese FM urges countries to avoid groundless suspicions in global fight against COVID-19

发布时间:2020-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIJING, April 4 -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday urged all countries to avoid any kind of groundless suspicions and not to politicize cooperation in the global fight against COVID-19.

He made the remarks when holding a phone conversation with Josep Borrell, the European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Facing the uNPRecedented crisis, all countries should rise above ideologies and in particular, avoid any practice to politicize cooperation over the disease, Wang said.

He said China feels the same way when the coronavirus caused heavy casualties in many European countries, and is willing to extend its sincere sympathy to the EU and its member countries.

Viruses have no borders and know no races, he said, noting that only international solidarity can defeat the disease threatening the whole mankind.

Wang said the two sides should fully carry forward the tradition of working together and helping each other through thick and thin.

During the tough time when China was fighting the epidemic, the EU offered sympathy and support to China, he recalled. Currently the EU is making all-out efforts to address the challenge, and despite facing a possible risk of rebound of the epidemic, China is ready to overcome difficulties and extend a helping hand to provide support and assistance based on the needs of the EU and its members.

Wang said he believes that the mutual trust and bilateral cooperation between China and the EU will be further strengthened through their joint work to combat the disease.

As for some suspicions regarding China's intentions behind its assistance to Europe, Wang stressed that China is a grateful nation, and that China's help in response to the EU's needs is an act of reciprocation for its kindness and based on the international humanitarian spirit.

Wang added that China's help also embodies the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, which was proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

China never stands idly by when friends are undergoing difficulties, let alone mix self-interest when lending a helping hand, Wang noted, saying that China and the EU should deliver a right message of working in solidarity to fight against the virus.

There are different countries, but people are living in one global village and form a community with a shared future, Wang said, adding that China is willing to work together with European countries to help other developing countries with fragile health systems, especially African countries, deal with the epidemic in a more effective way.

For his part, Borrell said he fully agrees with Wang and thanked China for its sympathy and support.

Mentioning the severe situation of COVID-19 in Europe, Borrell said it is continuing to worsen, causing both heavy casualties and a strong impact on economies in the region.

The EU side speaks highly of China's support and help to the EU and its member countries, and fully recognizes China's constructive role in the global anti-virus effort, Borrell said, noting that extending a helping hand to others in need is a good Chinese tradition.

Borrell said he fully agrees with the view that viruses have no borders, adding that all countries share a common destiny in the face of the disease, and it can be finally defeated only with coordination and cooperation among the international community.

He said the EU is ready to join China in overcoming the current difficulties.


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