国内英语资讯:U.S. attempts to pit CPC against Chinese people bound to fail: spokesperson-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:U.S. attempts to pit CPC against Chinese people bound to fail: spokesperson

发布时间:2020-04-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIJING, April 3 -- Some U.S. individuals and the U.S. State Department's attempts to pit the Communist Party of China (CPC) against the Chinese people are bound to fail, a foreign ministry spokesperson said Friday.

Spokesperson Hua Chunying made the remarks at a press briefing in response to an article on the CPC and Chinese media outlets, which was posted on the website of the U.S. State Department's Bureau of International Information Programs.

The article is defending the U.S. State Department's act of discrimination and expulsion of 60 Chinese journalists while trying to pit the CPC against the Chinese people, said Hua.

She said the United States has been well aware since it established diplomatic relations with China 41 years ago that China is a socialist country led by the CPC, and it has no reason to impose restrictions on Chinese journalists simply because they come from a socialist country led by the CPC.

Hua said the difference between media lies in whether they report facts in an authentic, impartial and objective manner, not their political tendency or ideology, which is why China never treats U.S. media differently regardless of whether they favor the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.

The United States should not suppress Chinese media out of ideological bias, said Hua, adding that it should focus on its domestic affairs amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease.


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