国内英语资讯:Chinese vice premier urges orderly restoration of normal medical services-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:Chinese vice premier urges orderly restoration of normal medical services

发布时间:2020-03-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

WUHAN, March 23 -- Chinese Vice Premier Sun Chunlan Monday urged medical institutions to restore medical services for non-COVID-19 patients while continuing efforts against the coronavirus.

Leading a central government group to oversee the epidemic control work in central China's Hubei Province, Sun, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, visited two hospitals and a community health service center in Wuhan, capital city of Hubei.

After inspecting medical facilities and visiting front-line medical staff at the hospitals, Sun called for coordinated distribution of medical resources and personnel, as well as triage-based treatment to ensure the safety of non-COVID-19 patients.

Sun stressed fine management and enhanced measures in the orderly restoration of daily medical service of relevant departments, with priority given to special groups of people including pregnant and lying-in women, newborns and the elderly.

Internet-powered healthcare should be encouraged, Sun said, adding that community healthcare service should be gradually restored to divert patients with definitive diagnosis and treatment schemes to primary-level medical institutions near their homes.

Sun also underscored the implementation of community-based family doctor programs, psychological counseling for residents and the integration of public hygiene and national fitness campaigns.


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