国内英语资讯:Chinese, German leaders hold phone talks on novel coronavirus-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:Chinese, German leaders hold phone talks on novel coronavirus

发布时间:2020-02-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIJING, Feb. 9 -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang held a phone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday evening over China's prevention and control measures on the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Li pointed out that the Chinese government is currently carrying out scientific, effective and orderly epidemic prevention and control work in accordance with the law, making every effort to treat patients, and ensuring the supply of key medical materials as well as daily necessities.

The Chinese government has always given top priority to the safety and health of the people. China's epidemic prevention and control work is open, transparent and highly responsible, releasing information to the Chinese people and the international community in a timely manner, Li said.

"The measures we have taken have gone far beyond the requirements of the International Health Regulations and the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The vast number of Chinese medical staff fighting in the frontline of the battle against the epidemic have shown dedication, professional ethics and great sense of responsibility," Li said. "We will have the right to protect their physical and mental health. The Chinese government and people are confident and capable of winning the fight against the epidemic."

Li said he hopes that the international community, including Germany, can stay rational, support China's efforts in containing the epidemic, maintain normal bilateral exchanges, and strengthen international cooperation on public health security, adding he hopes that the German side can provide China with necessary convenience so that the Chinese side can purchase medical supplies from Germany through commercial channels.

For her part, Merkel said that Germany is paying close attention to the development of the epidemic, and that the decisive measures taken by the Chinese government have been strongly supported by the Chinese people.

Noting that Germany has taken a prudent stance towards coping with the epidemic, and promoted coordination within the European Union, Merkel said the German side has never taken any excessive restrictive measures.

She expressed thanks to the Chinese side for its support and help of the German citizens in China, adding that Germany is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in preventing and controlling the epidemic, continue to provide China with medical aid, and do all it can to help China win the fight against the epidemic.

She also extended her respect and blessing to the Chinese medical staff.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also participated in the above conversation.


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