国内英语资讯:State Council circular calls for improving epidemic prevention, control-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:State Council circular calls for improving epidemic prevention, control

发布时间:2020-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIJING, Feb. 7 -- A special mechanism body on fighting the novel coronavirus outbreak under the State Council, China's Cabinet, issued a circular on Friday, calling for nationwide efforts to further improve epidemic prevention and control work.

Noting that prevention and control work is at a critical stage, the circular called for scientific, law-based and targeted work to fight the virus.

The practice of formalities for formalities' sake and bureaucratism should be resolutely punished to protect people's lives and health, it said.

The circular requires efforts to ensure the supply of medical services so that patients could be treated in a timely manner. Separated management measures should be adopted for confirmed infected patients, suspected infected patients and general fever patients to avoid cross-infection, according to the circular.

It also urged stepping up clinical research on diagnostic reagent, medicines, vaccines and new treatments.

Noting that the fight against the virus should be the most important current task, the circular asked local governments to conduct more law-based work and relevant departments to better define their roles and perform their duties.


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