默克尔总理访日 遭遇“清凉外交”
Abe tells Merkel to dress down and save energy
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who met Merkel in Tokyo to discuss climate change, told the chancellor he had asked his entourage to take off their ties as part of his "Cool Biz" campaign to save energy.
Dressed in a red suit, Merkel, Germany's first female chancellor, pointed out that the tie-less dress code didn't apply to her anyway.
"The men are all following the rule, they even seem to be quite glad," she said.
Japan's "Cool Biz" campaign urges office workers and politicians to shed their suits and ties during summer to cut the use of air-conditioners and reduce electricity use and related greenhouse gas emissions.
(AP) 德国总理安格拉•默克尔十分熟悉“冷战”外交,但本周三,她却首次遭遇了“清凉商务”外交。
她说:“在场的男士纷纷摘掉领带,他们看起来甚至非常高兴、 日本兴起的“清凉商务”运动鼓励办公室职员和政治官员夏季不穿西装、不打领带,以减少空调的使用,节约用电,并且减少温室气体的排放。
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