Longoria says she wasn't a bridezilla
The endless details were numbing, but Eva Longoria says she kept herself cool at her wedding to Tony Parker last week. "My stylist, Robert Verdi, and everybody around me was like, `You're so calm,'" Longoria tells OK! magazine in its latest issue, on newsstands Friday. "I actually don't stress about anything." The 32-year-old "Desperate Housewives" actress and the 25-year-old NBA star wed in a civil ceremony in Paris last Friday. The following day, they exchanged vows in a church across from the Louvre Museum and held an exclusive reception at a storied French chateau. "Every girl dreams of having a beautiful, romantic wedding," says Longoria. "It was amazing to see it unfold after months of planning. We really wanted to create an experience for our guests. It was about them having fun." That list included fellow "Housewives" Teri Hatcher and Felicity Huffman and singer Sheryl Crow. Parker, who was born in Belgium and raised in France, notes that Longoria chose the wedding destination. "I didn't want to do it in Paris because we'd end up inviting more people than I wanted!" says Parker, eliciting laughs from Longoria. Longoria also giggled during the wedding ceremony as she attempted to say her vows in French. "She decided I would do the vows in English; hers would be in French," Parker explains. "There were some tough words. I'm very proud of her."
婚礼筹备中没完没了的琐事几乎能把人弄麻木,而伊娃·朗格莉娅称,在上周她和帕克的婚礼上,她一直保持着镇静和从容。 朗格莉娅在接受将于本周五出版的最新一期OK!杂志的采访时说:“我的造型师罗伯特·弗迪和身边的所有人都说,‘你好有定力啊!’其实我对任何事都不会看得太重。” 上周五,这位32岁的“绝望主妇”和25岁的NBA球星在巴黎登记结婚。第二天,两人在卢浮宫对面的一个教堂交换婚誓,并在当地的一个古堡举行了一场盛大的婚宴。 朗格莉娅说:“每个女孩都梦想能有一个美好、浪漫的婚礼。经过几个月的筹备,我的这个梦想终于实现了,真是美妙极了!我们很想让来宾们能有一番不一样的体验。主要是想让他们开心!” 参加婚礼的来宾包括与朗格莉娅共同出演《绝望主妇》的特里·海切尔和费丽西提·胡夫曼两位“主妇”和歌手谢丽尔·克劳。 生在比利时、长在法国的帕克说,婚礼地点是朗格莉娅选的。 帕克说:“我不想在巴黎办,因为这样邀请的人会太多。”帕克的话引得朗格莉娅直发笑。 朗格莉娅在婚礼上尝试用法语说她的婚誓时也忍不住笑了起来。 帕克说:“她决定让我用英文说婚誓,她用法语说。有些词挺难说的,我十分为她骄傲。”