And the best tourists in the world are...
[ 2007-05-28 09:26 ]
The best tourists in the world are the Japanese, followed by Americans and the Swiss, a survey based on views from hoteliers across Europe said Wednesday.
Japanese tourists stood out for being polite and tidy, securing 35 percent more votes than the Americans who came second. Swiss tourists were commended for being quiet and considerate, unlike the Britons who were judged to be the fifth worst tourists because of rude behavior, noise and a miserly attitude to tipping. But despite their faults, hoteliers do look favorably upon British spending habits voting them the third biggest holiday spenders after Americans and Russians. Based on responses from 15,000 European hoteliers, the survey carried out on behalf of travel Web site Expedia showed that the worst tourist nation was France, followed by India, China and Russia. Britain was second in the worst-dressed tourist table which was headed by the Americans, and fifth in the least-generous table which was headed by the Germans.
上周三,一项对欧洲酒店经营者的调查显示,各国游客中最有素质的要数日本人,其次是美国人和瑞士人。 日本游客因讲礼貌、衣装整齐,以高于美国游客35%的得票率名列榜首。 瑞士游客不会大声喧哗,而且善于体谅他人,因而受到酒店经营者们的赞扬;而英国游客则因行为粗鲁、喧哗和吝啬小费成为素质最差的第五大游客群。 尽管英国人有诸多毛病,但英国人的花钱习惯则让酒店老板们颇为“欣赏”,被评为仅次于美国人和俄罗斯人的第三大假日消费群。 这项代表旅游网站Expedia所做的调查收到了1万5千名欧洲酒店老板的回馈。调查显示,素质最差的游客是法国人,其次是印度人、中国人和俄罗斯人。 美国游客在穿着方面最不讲究,其次是英国游客;德国游客最小气,这方面英国游客位居第五。
hotelier :a manager or an owner of a hotel
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