Six steps to help you save money
[ 2007-05-08 08:00 ]
You have a nice salary, but you still feel short of money. At the end of each month, you often ask yourselves, "Where has all my money gone"? To help you better manage your salary, here comes some money saving tips. Following them your daily expense will be cut off easily, but still keep the quality of your life. First, you need to set ambitious goals to encourage you to save money. For example, you plan to have a formal dress in one year, to own a car in two years' time or to buy an apartment in five years. Second, form money saving habits while stay away from those that waste money. Learn to keep a diary of how much you spend and what it's for. Think twice before using money on expensive skin care products. The best ways to keep your skin in good condition is sufficient sleep. Third, economize your daily expense. Change electric wares into energy efficient ones and leave no more than one light open when you leave home. Buy vegetables from a market not a supermarket where vegetables are less expensive and more fresh. When going to a supermarket, take a notebook with you. Write down what you wanna buy to avoid buying unnecessary stuffs. For things like shampoo, soap or washing powder, buy the family pack. For girls, who always spend money on clothes, there are some rules helping cut off the expense. Keep an eye on discounts information, you're likely to buy good summer dress in winter in a reasonable price. Shopping malls issue membership cards periodically. Go and get one if it's free, it may give you special discounts. Fifth, economize your social life. Package the leftovers for next day when you have dinner in a restaurant. When it's your turn to offer a meal, invite your friends to your home, cook the dinner yourself. If you are to attend a wedding ceremony and an expensive present is needed, ask several friends to go together to share a present. When separate from your boyfriend, send the gifts he sent you to your friends instead of throwing them away. While reducing expenditures, you need broaden your way earning money. Find yourself a part-time job if you are energetic enough, which gives you more working experience. Give birth to your money. If you are not good at making investments, talk to a financial consultant and entrust your savings with him.
虽然收入不菲,但总觉得钱不够用!每到月底,都会问自己,“钱都花到哪去了?”为了帮你更好的理财,教你几个省钱小窍门。照着去做,你可以轻轻松松缩减日常花销,而且生活质量还不会受到影响。 一、设定“远大”目标,促进自己存钱。比如,计划自己在一年之内买一套正装,两年内买辆车或者五年内买套房子。 二、养成省钱的习惯,远离费钱的东西。要学着记帐,记清楚买了什么东西,花了多少钱。至于那些昂贵的护肤品,最好考虑好了再决定是否要买。充足的睡眠是保养皮肤的最好方法。 三、节约日常开支。把家用电器换成节能型的,出门时最多留一盏灯开着。买菜去菜市场,超市的蔬菜又贵又不新鲜。去超市的时候带着笔记本,列出要买的东西,不需要的东西不买。洗发水、香皂或洗衣粉之类的东西,买家庭装。 四、爱买衣服的女生也有省钱的办法。留意打折信息,冬天可以以便宜的价格买到不错的夏装。大商场都有会员卡,如果可以免费办理,那可以去办一张,也许会有会员折扣。 五、节约社交开支。在餐馆吃完饭记得打包,第二天可以吃。轮到你请客时,邀请朋友去家里。如果要参加朋友的婚礼,可以跟几个朋友合买一份礼物。和男朋友分手后,与其把他送的礼物扔掉,还不如送给朋友。 六、“节流”的同时要“开源”。如果精力够的话可以找份兼职,还能增长工作经验。让钱生钱。如果你对投资不在行,可以找个理财顾问,委托他帮你投资。
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