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Teenage abortions on the rise

[ 2007-04-29 13:44 ]

Thousands of teenage girls in Beijing have abortions each year, according to teenage sex clinics. Sources with Beijing Tian'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the first in the capital to open a hotline for pregnant teenagers, said more than 100 teenage girls received abortions during the first three months of the year. Of nearly 5,000 phone calls from teenagers, seven to eight percent are from unmarried girls asking about abortion. The proportion was only about five percent last year, said Deng Jun, a doctor with the teenager counseling service of Beijing No.2 Hospital. The total number of teenage abortions in the capital is not known. "Girls who have abortions are considerably younger. Most of them are junior middle school students aged 14 to 15," said Deng, adding the youngest patient to come for an abortion was a 13-year-old and some girls had abortions many times. "Two years ago, teenage pregnancy mainly happened to college and senior high school students," he said. The number of abortions peaks during the Spring Festival, May Day or National Day holidays and in the final term of the academic year, Deng said, adding that sex education at school and in the family is wholly inadequate with young people nowadays having their first sexual experiences at a much earlier age. Sex education has always been a low priority in schools, and parents are often reluctant to talk about the still-taboo issue. A survey conducted by Professor Huo Jinzhi from the medical school of Suzhou University showed 4.6 percent of junior middle school students had had sex compared with 4.2 percent in senior high schools. In September 2004, the country for the first time included sex and reproduction knowledge in the formal school curriculum.

据青少年性生理门诊介绍,北京每年有数千名少女堕胎。 据首家开通早孕青少年热线的北京天安中医院的有关人士介绍,今年第一个季度有100多名未成年少女来医院堕胎。 在近5000个青少年打来的热线电话中,7%至8%是未婚女孩咨询堕胎事宜的。北京市第二医院青少年咨询中心的医生邓俊说,去年的这一比例仅为5%。 但目前北京市青少年堕胎的总数还未统计出来。 邓医生说:“如今堕胎的女孩年纪比以往要小得多。其中大多数还是十四五岁的中学生。”他说最小的只有13岁,还有一些女孩已经多次堕胎。 “两年前,早孕主要集中在大学生和高中生这两大人群。” 邓医生说,每年的春节,五一、国庆长假和每学年的下半学期是堕胎的高峰期。他说,学校和家庭的性教育严重不足,现在的年轻人发生第一次性行为的年龄提前了很多。 性教育一直是学校的一个薄弱环节,家长们也常常羞于与孩子们讨论这个仍被视为禁忌的话题。 苏州大学医学院的霍金之教授开展的一项调查显示,4.6%的初中生有过性行为,而高中生的这一比例为4.2%。 2004年9月,我国首次将性常识和生殖知识纳入学校课程范围。





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