30% of couples abandon sex for stress
[ 2007-04-03 16:37 ]
With pressure from families and careers, a staggering 30 percent of middle-aged couples give up on sex, according to a new survey. The survey, the first of its kind to measure intimacy between middle-aged couples in China, was conducted by American pharmaceutical manufacturer Eli Lilly Company and China Population Communication Center. Interviewing 32,906 people in 10 big cities including Beijing and Guangzhou, the poll found that middle-aged couples in the Chinese mainland seldom communicate in their daily life, and often rate their sex lives poorly. The survey suggests that the major problems affecting marriages are lack of communication, arguments and unsatisfactory sex. While 46 percent of respondents said they believe a satisfactory sex life promotes intimacy between couples, most couples admitted that their sex life has deteriorated since their wedding. Around 45 percent of couples said that the husband has sexual dysfunction. Of those, 76 percent said they feel frustrated. Specifically, 30 percent of middle-aged couples and 25 percent of couples younger than 30 have given up sex altogether as a result of physical or psychological problems related to stress. Many couples also said they were frustrated at the lack of day-to-day intimacy in their lives. According to the survey, 41 percent of middle-aged couples only kiss and cuddle at home when their children are not around. About 25 percent only want to mind their own business when they are left alone, either just talking or not communicating at all. The older the couples are, the less likely they are to communicate or act intimately, found the survey. Another notable finding was that family responsibilities often lead to a decrease in communication - 37 percent of respondents said pressure from concerns over their children's education, caring for parents or finances had led to less communication with their spouse.
(China Daily)
一项最新调查显示,竟有30%的中年夫妇因家庭和工作的压力,而放弃了性生活。 这项针对我国中年夫妻亲密状况的首次调查是由美国礼来药物制造商和中国人口宣传教育中心联合开展的。 此调查对北京、广州等10个大城市的共32906人进行了访问,结果发现,大陆的中年夫妇缺乏日常交流,而且对性生活的满意度也较低。 调查表明,影响婚姻质量的主要问题在于缺乏沟通、争吵以及性生活不和谐。 46%的受访对象认为令人满意的性生活能够使夫妻俩更加亲密,而大多数夫妻则坦言婚后性生活越来越糟糕。 约45%的受访者说丈夫患有性功能障碍,其中76%的人称对此感到很失落。 30%的中年夫妇以及25%年龄在30岁以下的夫妇因由压力所导致的生理和心理问题,完全不过性生活。 此外,很多夫妇说他们对日常生活中缺乏亲密行为感到失望。 据调查,41%的中年夫妇仅在孩子不在家的时候接吻或拥抱。 约25%的夫妇在这种时间里各做各的事,要么互相说说话,要么根本不交流。 调查发现,年龄越大的夫妇互相交流的越少,而且所做的亲密行为也越少。 另一个重要发现是家庭责任通常是导致沟通减少的主要原因。37%的受访者称教育孩子、照顾老人以及经济问题等造成的压力是导致和伴侣之间交流减少的主要原因。
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