April Fool jokester Google offer wireless access
[ 2007-04-02 17:22 ]
Google announced a novel way to access the Internet -- via the toilet -- in an April Fool's Day gag on its website Sunday. The Mountain View, California-based technology concern introduced its "Dark Porcelain" project, with Internet access via computer users' household plumbing. The "Toilet Internet Service Provider" (TiSP) project highlighted on Google's webpage is "a self-installed, ad-supported online service that will be offered entirely free to any consumer with a WiFi-capable PC and a toilet connected to a local municipal sewage system." "We've got that whole organizing-the-world's-information thing more or less under control," the website says, quoting Google co-founder and president Larry Page. "What's interesting, though, is how many different modalities there are for actually getting that information to you -- not to mention from you," the mock press release read. The company hailed the breakthrough technology "that takes advantage of preexisting plumbing and sewage systems and their related hydraulic data-transmission capabilities." "There's actually a thriving little underground community that's been studying this exact solution for a long time," said Page. "And today our Toilet ISP team is pleased to be leading the way through the sewers, up out of your toilet and -- splat -- right onto your PC."
上周日,Google 在其网站上发布了一条愚人节恶搞资讯,自称开发了一种能通过厕所上网的最新上网方式。 据地处加利福尼亚州山景城的Google公司介绍,这个名为“黑陶瓷”的项目主要是通过计算机用户家里的管道上网。 Google公司在其网站上宣传的这一“厕所互联网服务”是“一项可自行安装、支持广告、完全免费的在线服务;用户的计算机只要能无线上网,家中的厕所只要与当地的下水道系统相通即可连通。” Google在这条资讯中还援引公司的创建人之一兼总裁拉里·佩奇说:“目前这一‘可连通世界’的项目已基本在我们的掌控之中。” 这则恶搞资讯称,“有意思的是,接受一条信息的模式就有很多种,更不用说发布信息。” Google公司大赞这项具有突破性的技术“充分利用了现有的管道和下水道系统以及相关的液压数据传输能力。” 佩奇说:“实际上,一个蓬勃发展的小型地下组织对此已经研究很久了。” “如今,我们的厕所ISP团队对于能领先于这一领域感到很高兴,实现了个人电脑与厕所中下水道的连接。”
sewage system :下水道系统
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