Aniston adopts clean-living lifestyle
[ 2007-03-09 09:25 ]
Jennifer Aniston is embarking on a new healthy lifestyle and has cut out cigarettes and eliminated caffeine from her diet. Aniston has expressed her new-found love of yoga is responsible for her efforts to make changes in other areas of her life. And pals are convinced she means business after watching the 38-year-old in action on pal Courtney Cox's TV drama Dirt recently. Dirt actress Laura Allen, who spent time with Cox and Aniston on the set, tells American publication Us Weekly, "Jen was doing a total cleansing. "(She) did a lot of yoga to stop smoking. Between takes, it would have been tempting to go outside and have a cigarette. "Instead, Jen was clinging to Courteney. She said how hard it was." In addition to resisting the temptation to indulge in smoking, Aniston also managed to refrain from caffeine. Allen adds, "I had a Diet Coke on-set and she was really craving for it!"
日前,珍妮弗·安妮斯顿开始了一种全新的健康生活方式,香烟、咖啡因饮料通通戒掉。 安妮斯顿表示,她最近迷上的瑜伽有助于她改掉生活中的一些不良习惯。 这位38岁的女星最近在好友科特尼·考克斯的新剧《丑闻》中客串了一把,安妮斯顿的好友们看到她在拍摄过程中的种种表现后,才相信她不是说着玩的。 与考克斯和安妮斯顿同时参与此剧拍摄的女演员劳拉·艾伦向《美国周刊》透露,“珍妮弗正在彻底'净化'她的生活。” “为了戒烟,她经常做瑜伽。照理说,场间休息时出去抽根烟应该是很爽的。” “但珍妮弗却一直粘着考特尼。她说,这真是太难为她了。” 除了克制烟瘾外,安妮斯顿还试图戒掉咖啡因饮料。 艾伦说,“一次我在拍摄现场喝无糖可乐,把她给馋坏了!”
mean business : 当真的
diet coke : 无糖可乐
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