晒工资晒出不平衡 节后刮起“跳槽风”-查字典英语网
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晒工资晒出不平衡 节后刮起“跳槽风”

发布时间:2019-12-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

晒工资晒出不平衡 节后刮起“跳槽风”

Post-festival period sees a job-hopping spree

[ 2007-03-06 16:50 ]

Some unfortunate bosses can expect to receive a hoard of resignation letters in the next few weeks following the Spring Festival holiday. Human resources experts have forecast a job-hopping spree. A man surnamed Ma who runs a foreign trade company in Shanghai said he found many seats in his office were empty on February 25, the first working day after the holiday. However, Ma is not alone in watching over an office depleted of staff. A survey shows that 37.65 percent of white-collar workers planned to start working for a new employer after the festival. The survey was conducted by ChinaHR.com, one of the country's leading HR media outlets, which covers more than 700 white-collar businesses in 15 industries. "I hope to start a totally new business in the new year," said a 30-year-old Shanghai man, who quit his job at a local publishing house soon after the Spring Festival. The reason he quit is that the pay was not good enough, and in fact, lower than his girlfriend's. With the booming number of blogs on the Internet, there are now more ways of knowing what other people earn, and this is fuelling job-hopping. Recently, websites such as sohu.com, set up special sections for people to "divulge their salaries". The result was that the incomes of almost all industries were exposed. "Of course, after comparing the incomes of other people in similar positions, most people would feel a little frustrated and unsatisfied with their bosses," said a young man working for a website. But money is not the only reason. More than 20 percent of respondents in the survey said Spring Festival provided an opportune time to think about their careers and prospects. The survey found job-hopping would probably spike in the middle of this month. Another survey by Zhaopin.com, showed 37 percent of respondents wanted to find better opportunities in the spring job market after getting their yearly bonus.


(China Daily)

一些“不幸”的公司老板们在春节后的几周内可能要收到一大摞辞职报告。 据人力资源专家们预测,春节后将刮起一阵“跳槽风”。 上海一家外贸公司的马老板日前透露,2月25日--春节假期后的第一天,公司的很多员工都没有去上班。 然而,马老板并不是遭此“冷遇”的唯一一位老板。 国内最大的招聘服务网站之一“中华英才网”对15个行业的700多家“白领”企业开展的一项调查显示,37.65%的白领打算春节之后跳槽。 上海一位30岁的男职员春节后辞去了他在当地一家出版社的工作,他说:“我希望自己今年能进入一个全新的行业。” 这位职员辞职的原因是薪酬不理想,而且低于他的女友。 随着网络日志的兴起,如今又多了一些了解别人工资待遇的途径,这也是引起跳槽的原因之一。 近日,搜狐等网站设立了一些所谓的“晒工资”专区。在这股风潮的拉动下,几乎所有行业的工资都被人们“晒”了出来。 在一家网站工作的一位年轻男职员说:“将自己的收入和同职位的其他人进行对比后,大多数人都会感到有点失落,对自己的上司也会有所不满。这是很自然的。” 但工资也不是跳槽的唯一原因。 超过20%的受访者说,春节假期为他们提供了一个思考自己职业发展和前途的绝好机会。 调查发现,跳槽高峰可能将出现于本月中旬。 智联招聘网日前开展的一项调查显示,37%的受访者在领到去年的年终奖后,想在今年春季的就业市场上找到更好的工作机会。




divulge one's salary : 晒工资

yearly bonus : 年终奖 


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