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发布时间:2019-12-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Group says U.S. restaurants promote "extreme eating"

[ 2007-02-28 08:49 ]

Many U.S. chain restaurants are promoting "extreme eating" with dishes that pack at least a day's calories and fat, without giving customers facts about their orders, a consumer group said on Monday.

Displaying restaurant offerings including a cheese-laden chicken-and-pasta dish they dubbed "Angioplasta," officials at the Center for Science in the Public Interest said such dishes help fuel national epidemics of obesity and heart disease. They urged local, state and national governments to make restaurants list nutritional data on their menus. Michael Jacobson, the group's executive director, took aim at "table-service" chain restaurants like Ruby Tuesday's and Uno Chicago Grill. Such places increasingly stuff their dishes with extra unhealthy ingredients, he said. "What we're finding is that table-service restaurants have launched into a whole new era of extreme eating," Jacobson said. "If we're going to deal with the epidemic of obesity and the tremendous prevalence of heart attacks and strokes, we're going to have to do something about restaurant foods." Jacobson's group often criticizes at a variety of restaurant foods. Some critics deride the group as self-appointed food police. Jacobson said restaurants have had more than enough time to voluntarily provide nutritional data such as calorie, fat and salt content but many do not. "Restaurants have every right to make these foods and you have every right to eat them," Jacobson said. "But I think at the very least these restaurants should give consumers the information that would enable them to make some decent eating choices." 双语资讯


美国一消费者组织于本周一指出,美国很多连锁餐厅目前正在力推相当于至少一整天热量和脂肪的“极限饮食”,而且不向顾客说明所点食品中所含的成分。 比如有的餐馆提供一种名叫Angioplasta的奶酪鸡肉通心粉,公共利益科学中心的官员们说,这种食品会引发全国范围内的肥胖和心脏病。 有关官员敦促美国各地、各州和全国政府做出规定:餐馆必须在菜单上列出食物中所含营养成分的具体数值。 此消费者权益组织的执行主任迈克尔·雅各布森将类似Ruby Tuesday's和 Uno Chicago Grill等提供“桌上服务”的连锁餐馆作为此次行动的主要目标。他说,这些餐馆提供的食物中所含的不健康成分越来越多。 雅各布森说:“我们发现,这些餐馆已开创了一个全新的'极限饮食'时代。如果要控制全国流行的肥胖、心脏病和中风,我们必须对这些餐馆提供的食品采取点行动。” 雅各布森所在的这个消费者组织常对餐馆提供的食物进行批评。一些批评人士嘲讽这个组织为“自封的食品警察”。 雅各布森说,餐馆完全有时间主动向顾客提供食物中如热量、脂肪和盐等营养成分的含量。但很多餐馆都没有做到这一点。 “餐馆有制作食品的权利,顾客有吃的权利,但我认为这些餐馆至少应该向顾客提供能让他们做出合理饮食选择的信息。”




offering : 指餐馆提供的食品 

self-appointed : designated or chosen by oneself rather than by due authority(自封的)


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