Youth celebrate holiday online
[ 2007-02-25 14:30 ]
Spring Festival celebrations were given a distinctly high-tech update by millions of young Internet users in China this week. "Compared to the traditional way, celebrating Spring Festival on the Internet is more exciting," said Wei Jianhui, 23, who spent New Year's Eve chatting with dozens of friends online. Wei didn't watch the New Year's Day television gala, which attracted an estimated audience of more than 1 billion people last Sunday evening. Instead, Wei, who lives in Nan Chang, spent New Year's Eve decorating his blog with red lanterns and firecrackers. "When they visit my blog, my friends will see my New Year's greetings," said Wei. Wei said more than 30 of his friends spent New Year's Eve chatting on the Internet. Many young people in Nanchang celebrated Chinese New Year in the same way. The manager of Jingying Internet Cafe said all of its 300 computers were occupied on New Year's Eve. Four other Internet cafes in the area were also full. 双语资讯
(China Daily)
今年春节,我国数百万年轻人选择网上庆祝,这给过春节的方式增添了些不同寻常的“高科技”意味。 今年除夕,23岁的魏建辉是在网上和很多好友一起聊天度过的,他说:“与传统的方式相比,在网上过年更有意思。” 魏建辉没有观看上周六晚的春节联欢晚会。据估计,今年的春晚观众超过了1亿。 除夕之夜,家住南昌的魏建辉在自己的博客里装上了大红灯笼、挂上了鞭炮。 他说:“朋友们只要一进入我的博客,就能看到我的新年祝福。” 魏建辉说,他的30多个好友都是在网上过除夕的。 今年春节,南昌的很多年轻人都是在网上度过的。 南昌精英网吧的经理说,除夕那天,网吧的300台电脑全部满员。同一地区的其它四家网吧也是全部满座。
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