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发布时间:2019-12-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Britons get the most laughs from bosses

[ 2007-02-25 09:11 ]

Britons are just the funniest people...or at least that's what top businessmen said in a survey about European humour. Some 34 percent of respondents to the latest UPS Europe Business Monitor said the British have the sharpest wit, while only three percent backed German claims for the accolade. Even in Germany, only one in ten executives said their countrymen cracked them up -- compared with 47 percent who sided with Britain, the survey showed. The poll of 1,450 executives in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Britain showed that most nationalities liked their local humour best. German, French and Dutch bosses were the exceptions. Some 66 percent of Spanish backed their own wit, followed by 59 percent of British, and 58 percent of Italians. Second-placed overall in the laughter probe was Italy with 18 percent of votes, followed by Spain with 15 percent. Only one in four French respondents considered their home country to be the funniest, while 34 percent of them favoured Britain and 16 percent Belgium. None voted for Germany. Germany also struggled to pick up points away from home -- apart from three percent of British votes, and one percent apiece from the Netherlands and Italy, the country drew a blank. Executives also voted on humour levels in Ireland, Denmark, Sweden and Austria, with the latter pair barely raising a smirk outside of Germany. 双语资讯


英国人最风趣……这至少在一项由商界精英参加的、有关欧洲人幽默的调查中得到了证明。 此项由最新一期《UPS欧洲商业观察》公布的调查表明,约34%的受访者认为英国人最风趣幽默,而只有3%的人认为德国人可获此“殊荣”。 调查表明,在德国,只有十分之一的主管说他们的同胞很幽默,而认为英国人具有幽默感的人则达到了47%。 这项由比利时、法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、西班牙和英国共1450名公司主管参加的调查表明,大多数受访者最欣赏自己本国的幽默。但德国、法国、荷兰的老板们则不这么认为。 约66%的西班牙人欣赏自己本国的幽默,英国和意大利的这一比例分别为59%和58%。 在这项幽默感调查中,意大利以18%的得票率位居第二,西班牙则以15%的得票紧随其后。 只有四分之一的法国人认为本国人最具幽默感,而分别有34%和16%的法国人认为英国人和比利时人最幽默。德国的得票率则为0。 在别国人眼中,德国人简直是不苟言笑。除了来自英国3%、荷兰和意大利各1% 的投票外,几乎没有别国人认为德国人有幽默感。 此外,主管们还对爱尔兰、丹麦、瑞典和奥地利人的幽默感进行了投票,除德国外,其它国家人都认为瑞典人和奥地利人没有什么幽默感。




crack sb. up : 让某人捧腹  

raise a smirk  : 引人发笑 


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