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发布时间:2019-12-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Love is ... a pair of really good jeans

[ 2007-02-08 08:46 ]

For most women, the choice between sex and a new wardrobe is simple -- they go for the clothes.

Women on average say they would be willing to give up sex for 15 months for a closet full of new apparel, with 2 percent ready to abstain from sex for three years in exchange for new duds, according to a new survey of about 1,000 women in 10 US cities. Sixty-one percent of women polled said it would be worse to lose their favorite article of clothing than give up sex for a month. "Some people say clothes make the man, but the right clothes can even replace him," fashion designer and TV personality Carson Kressley from the reality TV show "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" said in a statement accompanying the poll. The study also suggested that clothes often wear better than relationships. The average woman between 18 and 54 years of age has hung on to her favorite article of clothing for 12 and a half years, a year longer than she's held on to her longest relationship. Almost three-quarters of respondents also said they believed in love at first sight when it came to finding the perfect article of clothing, while only 54 percent of women were as confident in spotting the right man. Nearly half of the women, or 48 percent, taking part in the survey by consumer products giant Unilever said their favorite article of clothing was more reliable than their man in giving them confidence and making them feel sexy. 双语资讯


对于大多数女性来说,要在“性”和“新衣服”之间做个选择很简单--她们会选新衣服。 一项在美国10个城市开展的调查共对1000名女性进行了访问。调查显示,大多数女性表示,她们愿意为了一柜子的新衣服而放弃15个月的性生活,2%的女性则愿意为此“禁欲”三年。 61%的受访女性说,失去一件心爱的衣服可比“禁欲”一个月难以忍受。 从电视真人秀“粉雄救兵”中脱颖而出的时装设计师卡森·克里斯利在就此项调查发表的一项声明说:“有人说过‘人靠衣妆’,而合适的衣妆甚至能让人改头换面。” 此外,调查表明,心爱的衣服可要比爱情能经得住时间的考验。 18至54岁之间的女性平均都有一件穿了12年半的衣服,比她们的最长恋情长一年。 近四分之三的受访者说,她们选衣服时通常相信自己的第一感觉,而只有54%的受访女性相信自己的择偶眼光。 这项由日用消费品“大哥大”联合利华公司开展的调查表明,近一半的受访女性    




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