Ten best men as seen by women
[ 2007-01-19 15:11 ]
Wealth, knowledge and looks are no longer the only key factors that make a man in China. Because if a man wants to win the hearts of women he has to respect them and believe in gender equality .
Perhaps for the first time in the country women will choose "China's Top 10 Best Men of the Times" between December and April. The exercise is aimed at promoting gender equality through men's participation. "Any Chinese man above the age of 18 who respects and cares about women and is willing to shoulder family responsibilities equally can be part of the competition," China Women's News editor-in-chief Lu Xiaofei said yesterday. China Women's News is one of the nine women-centered papers organizing the event. "Also, he should have made efforts to promote gender equality and should not have any record of domestic violence." The competition evaluating a man's achievement by the way he treats women is a creative way to achieve gender equity, a director of Woman's Studies Institute of China, Xiao Yang, said. Gender inequality can't end without men's participation. In China, men hold most of the resources. Therefore, it is very crucial to have men to be part of gender equality projects. For instance, in rural areas, 80 to 90 percent women suffer from genital infection. But despite efforts to treat them, the situation has not improved. Only by making more men aware of the importance of safe and hygienic sex can the treatment be made to work, Xiao said. The first selection will be held in eight cities, including Changsha, Dalian and Taiyuan. The final 30 candidates' profiles will be published on a website on Women's Day on March 8. The winners will be declared in April.
(China Daily)
财富、知识和长相再也不是评判一个优秀男人的“唯一”标准。因为,如果一个男人想要赢得女人的心,他首先必须得尊重女性、而且要具备“男女平等”的意识。 “中国十佳时代男性”评选活动于去年12月拉开帷幕,并将持续至今年四月,这可能是我国首例由女性来评选十佳男性的活动。 此项评选旨在通过男性的参与来促进我国的性别平等。 此次活动由《中国妇女报》等九家女性刊物联合举办。《中国妇女报》总编卢小飞昨天说:“参加评选的男性必须在18岁以上,而且要尊重关爱女性、平等分担家庭责任。” “此外,参赛的男性必须要为促进男女平等做出过努力,而且不能有家庭暴力的记录。” 中国妇女研究所的肖扬主任说,此项评选用“如何对待女性”为标准来评判一个男性的成就,这是促进男女平等的一条“独创之道”。只有通过男性的参与才能解决男女不平等的问题。 在中国,男性占有大部分社会资源。因此,让男性参与到促进男女平等的事业中来十分重要。 比如,我国农村地区有80%至90%的女性患有生殖系统感染疾病,尽管这些女性接受了医治,但整体情况仍没有好转。 肖主任说,只有让男性认识到安全、卫生性生活的重要性,治疗才能起作用。 此项活动的初选将在长沙、大连和太原等八个城市进行。 推选出的30名候选人将于“三八妇女节”当天在网站上公布。最终的“十佳”名单将于今年四月公布。
gender equality : 性别平等;男女平等
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