一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。
1. 中国天眼
China's Eye of Heaven
The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) was officially put into use in Guizhou on Sunday. FAST, nicknamed "China's Eye of Heaven", is the world's largest single-aperture radio telescope.
我国500米口径球面射电望远镜(the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, FAST)25日在贵州省平塘县举行落成启用仪式(launch ceremony)。FAST是世界最大的单口径射电望远镜(single-aperture radio telescope),耗资12亿元人民币、历时5年建成,我国具有自主知识产权(independent intellectual property rights)。此前,世界上最大的单口径射电望远镜是位于波多黎各的阿雷西博天文台(Arecibo Observatory),直径(diameter)为305米,后扩建为350米。在探测灵敏度方面,FAST比阿雷西博高近2.5倍。
被誉为"中国天眼(China's Eye of Heaven)"的FAST坐落于贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州平塘县一处天然形成的喀斯特洼地(be cradled in a natural limestone depression in Pingtang county of Qiannan Buyi and Miao ethnic autonomous prefecture in Guizhou),形似一口大锅。FAST的主体(the main structure)是由4450块面板组成的反射面(4,450-panel reflector),总面积约25万平方米,相当于30个足球场(soccer field)的大小。
FAST能接收来自宇宙的微弱信号、观测银河及其他星系的中性氢(survey neutral hydrogen in the Milky Way and other galaxies)、探测新的银河系以及外银河系脉冲星(detect new galactic and extragalactic pulsars)、检测引力波(search for gravitational waves)、找寻外星生命可能存在的地方(find out where extraterrestrial life might exist)、探测暗能量(detect dark energy)、帮助我们理解星系演化(help us understand the evolution of galaxies)。
射电望远镜(radio telescope)是观测宇宙天体的重要工具之一。哈勃等光学望远镜(optical telescope)接收的是可见光(visible-light),而射电望远镜接收的是肉眼看不到的射电波(radio waves invisible to the naked eye)。在最近的一次试观测(trial observation)中,FAST接收到了1351光年外一颗脉冲星发出的一组高质量电磁波(the telescope has received a set of high-quality electromagnetic waves sent from a pulsar 1,351 light years away),观测链路已经连通。
天文望远镜 astronomical telescope
双筒望远镜 binoculars
天文台 (astronomical) observatory
天体 celestial body
彗星 comet
小行星 asteroid
流星雨 meteor shower
2. 禁酒令
prohibition order for alcoholic beverage
The Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region government recently issued a prohibition order for alcoholic beverages at official receptions.
新疆出台的《自治区公务接待禁止饮酒的规定》还提出,因外事接待、招商引资等特殊情况(special cases such as foreign affairs receptions or those for investors)需饮酒的,应报纪检部门进行审批。
2013年年底,中央政府(the central government)发布了一系列针对公务接待(official receptions)的管理规定,旨在填补那些滋生奢靡腐败之风的漏洞(close loopholes that foster extravagance and corruption)。地方政府(local governments)也纷纷禁止在公务接待中饮酒的行为(ban alcoholic beverages at official banquets)。近两年,浙江、黑龙江、吉林、江苏、湖南、安徽等多省的省政府(provincial governments)相继出台了公务接待"禁酒"的规定(issue the prohibition order for alcoholic beverage)。
今年6月初,中央巡视组向安徽反馈"回头看"情况,专门提到"酒桌文化尚未得到有效治理"的问题。"酒桌文化"(drinking culture)已成为中共十八大巡视以来的又一大热词。中国人普遍认为"无酒不成席"(a banquet without alcohol is no banquet at all);多数生意人觉得,只有在酒桌上才能真正认识一个人并建立彼此间的信任;很多官员也喜欢在酒桌上谈工作(discuss work issues when drinking at banquets)。"喝的是酒,喷的是口水,讲的是关系,办的是事情。"一句顺口溜概括了"酒桌文化"的实质。
这项禁令(prohibition order)出台后受到了民众的欢迎(be welcomed by the public),不过很多人也对禁令能否被有效执行存疑(many doubt whether the order will be effectively enforced)。据报道,公务员(civil servant)将矿泉水瓶子里的水倒空(empty mineral water bottles),再灌入烈酒(fill up with liquor)到饭局上饮用的做法非常普遍(be a common practice)。一些餐馆、酒店在账单明细上用茶或其他昂贵饮料代替酒(replace liquor with tea or some other expensive beverage),以便官员能顺利报销(get reimbursements)。
三公经费 the three public expenses
公共开支 public spending
公务用车 official vehicle
交通补贴 transportation subsidies
公款旅游 (tourist) junket
超支 overspending
3. 产科床位
maternity/obstetrics bed
China will offer more maternity beds and train more professionals to meet the growing demand for maternity resources, the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) announced Tuesday.
27日,国家卫计委召开加强生育全程基本医疗保健服务(basic health care services)视频会议(teleconference),要求着力缓解产科"一床难求"问题,力争"十三五"时期增加产科床位8.9万张、增加产科医生和助产士14万名(have 140,000 more obstetricians and midwives)。全面两孩政策实施(the adoption of the universal second-child policy)半年来,生育需求增长迅速,优质资源供给不足(shortage of high quality resources),专业技术人员短缺(lack of professionals),妇幼健康资源的数量、质量面临新的挑战(face new challenges in the quantity and quality of maternal and child health resources)。
卫计委副主任(deputy head of the NHFPC)马晓伟表示,各地要迅速摸清现有产科服务资源底数(figure out the reserves of current obstetric services),调整优化(make adjustment and optimization),提高现有资源使用效率(make more efficient use of the current resources)。探索"分级建档制度(registration system at hospitals)",引导孕妇合理选择建档机构,建立孕妇建档中心,帮助孕妇得到及时有效的(timely and effective)妇幼保健服务。在有条件的高校探索开设大学本科助产专业(explore setting up midwifery as an undergraduate major at qualified institutions)。实施助产士转岗培训计划。在绩效工资(merit pay)内部分配等方面对产科医师、助产士、护士等给予政策倾斜(enjoy preferential policies)。卫计委还要求改善产前和产后服务、增设孕产妇和新生儿急救中心(call for better pre- and post-natal services and more emergency centers for maternal and pediatric treatment)。
高危妊娠 high-risk pregnancy
婚前体检 pre-marriage medical check-up
产检 pregnancy check-up
产前保健 antenatal care
产假 maternity leave
代孕妈妈 surrogate mother
分娩 childbearing
4. 网购退货办法
refund policy for online shopping
The State Administration for Industry and Commerce issued a draft refund policy for online shopping on Tuesday. The policy was issued to solicit public opinion.
《网络购买商品七日无理由退货实施办法(征求意见稿)》中规定,消费者网购商品七天内可无理由退货(refund products purchased online without providing any reason within seven days),但是要承担退货运费(be responsible for the return shipping fee)。此次七天无理由退货办法不仅涉及网络购物(online shopping),消费者通过电视购物、电话购物以及邮购(TV shopping, telephone shopping and postal shopping)等方式购买商品,也参照该办法执行。
《征求意见稿》拟将网购七天无理由退货不适用范围限定为:定制商品(custom-made products);鲜活易腐的商品(fresh or perishable goods);在线下载或者消费者拆封的音像制品、计算机软件等数字化商品(audiovisual products downloaded online or unfolded, digital products like computer software);交付的报纸、期刊(newspapers and periodicals);经消费者在购买时确认,拆封后易导致商品性质改变、影响人身安全或者生命健康的商品(products that change or undermine people's safety and health once unpacked);一经激活或者试用后价值贬损较大的商品(products largely devalued after activated or used);销售时已明示的临近保质期的商品、有瑕疵的商品(products that the customer is aware will soon expire or are flawed before buying)。
此外,《征求意见稿》还规定消费者退回的商品应当完好(returned products is supposed to remain in good condition)。消费者退货时应当将商品本身、配件及赠品一并退回(any accessories or gifts from the merchant must be returned together with the purchased products)。如果赠品不能一并退回,经营者可以要求消费者按市场价支付赠品价款。
购物车 shopping cart
电商平台 e-commerce platform
假货 counterfeit goods
货到付款 cash on delivery
团购 group buying
5. 总统大选辩论
presidential debate
The first of three presidential debates between the Democratic and Republican nominees, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, was held Monday at Hofstra University in New York.
这是两位总统候选人的首次一对一辩论(the first-ever one-on-one debate between the two candidates),持续90分钟,期间没有商业广告(the debate last 90 minutes without commercial breaks)。辩论分为美国方向(America's direction)、实现繁荣(achieving prosperity)、保障美国安全(securing America)三个主题,美国全国广播公司《夜间资讯》主播莱斯特·霍尔特(Lester Holt)担任提问主持人(moderator)。
唇枪舌战中,希拉里抨击特朗普不仅逃税,还是性别歧视主义者和种族主义者(Clinton blast Trump for dodging taxes and being sexist and racist),而特朗普则说希拉里没有总统相(lack a presidential look)。希拉里嘲笑特朗普把气候变化称为中国人发明的骗局(call climate change a hoax invented by the Chinese),特朗普则攻击希拉里在使用私人电邮服务器一事上缺乏判断力(lack judgment regarding her use of a private email server)。
辩论结束后,美国有线电视资讯网的民调显示,希拉里在两人的首次正面交锋中占据上风(Hillary Clinton was the winner of their first face-off)。她不仅准备充分(well-prepared),作为一名辩论老手也更有场上经验(as a veteran debater, Clinton has more stage experience),但特朗普也在整场辩论中控制住了容易激动的性格,在压力下保持了冷静(keep calm and cool under pressure)。
美国的总统大选辩论不仅仅是两位候选人的施政方针孰优孰劣的交锋(a contest of which candidate has better policies),还要看谁展现出的个性和气质(character and temperament)更符合观众对于总统的期待。1960年,共和党人尼克松对阵民主党人肯尼迪的总统大选辩论首次面向美国全国电视直播。据说,通过广播收听那场辩论的人认为两人不相上下(radio listeners thought the debate had been a tie),然而电视观众却普遍认为尼克松输了(Nixon was widely deemed loser of the debate),因为他的西装松松垮垮,又时不时大汗淋漓(a baggy suit and constant sweating),相较之下,肯尼迪则着装得体,表现沉稳自如(well-dressed and poised)。
总统候选人 presidential candidate
不相上下 go head to head
陈词滥调 cliche
虚伪 falsehood
不正直 dishonesty
电视真人秀明星 reality TV star
个人所得税申报表 income tax return
6. 三亲婴儿
three-parent baby
Researchers have successfully carried out the process of giving birth to a baby using a controversial "three-parent baby" technique.
据英国《新科学家》(New Scientist)周刊报道,一个美国医疗科研小组通过新的“三亲婴儿(three-parent baby)”技术,帮助一位携带莱氏综合症基因的约旦籍女性(a Jordanian woman who carries genes for Leigh syndrome)成功诞下一名健康的男婴。该男婴是全球首个使用该技术诞生的婴儿,该技术旨在帮助出现罕见基因突变的夫妇(be aimed at assisting parents with rare genetic mutations)生出健康的婴儿。
莱氏综合症是一种影响神经系统发育的致命疾病(a fatal disorder affecting the developing nervous system),其基因存在于线粒体DNA中,可遗传给下一代。据报道,由于该女子携带突变基因(mutant genes),之前她生下的两个孩子均因该疾病夭折,所以这次她与丈夫决定采用"三亲"新技术,以有效控制孩子因莱氏综合症而去世的风险。
科学家们从这位母亲的一枚卵子中取出细胞核(remove the nucleus from one of the mother's eggs),并将其嵌入到一枚已移除细胞核的捐赠卵子中(insert it into a donor egg that have had its own nucleus removed)。由此所生成的卵子具有母体的细胞核DNA(nuclear DNA from the mother)和供体的线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA from the donor),随后该卵子与父亲的精子结合成受精卵(be fertilized with the father's sperm)。该胚胎(embryo)被移植入母体中,9个月后孩子出生了。这个新生健康婴儿只有0.1%的基因来自捐献者,其余全部来自父母。截至目前,该男婴未出现患病迹象(show no signs of disease)。
一些胚胎学家(embryologist)认为,此举开启了医学新时代(launch a new era in medicine),为那些携带罕见遗传性疾病的家庭(families with rare genetic diseases)带来了生育健康婴儿的希望。不过,反对人士认为,这种线粒体捐赠(mitochondrial donation)技术目前尚未完备,仍然需要更充足的核实证明。
试管婴儿 test-tube baby
代孕 surrogacy
人工受精 artificial insemination
胚胎工程 embryo engineering
胚胎发育 embryonic development
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