US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton smiles during a campaign stop at a community center in Compton, California, United States June 6, 2016. [Photo/Agencies]
Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, New York senator and first lady, reached the 2,383 delegates needed to become the presumptive Democratic nominee on Monday with a decisive weekend victory in Puerto Rico and a burst of last-minute support from superdelegates.
美国前国务卿、纽约州参议员、前第一夫人希拉里·克林顿周一(6月6日)获得了民主党提名所需的2383个党代表支持票,这一结果 超级党代表(superdelegates)指那些自动获得参加民主党代表大会资格、参与总统候选人投票的民主党党内“大人物”,可以被称为“超级党代表”的人包括:知名的民主党领袖,以及民主党参众两会议员(Democratic members of the House and Senate)和隶属民主党的在任州长(sitting Democratic governors)。他们可以自行选择支持党内的哪一位参选人,因此是初选结束后能够影响最终党代会投票结果的一个群体。在共和党内,这一个群体被称为unpledged delegates。
Clinton has 1,812 pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses. She also has the support of 571 superdelegates, according to an Associated Press count.
这里提到的pledged delegates指承诺支持某个候选人的党代表,与上面的superdelegates正好相反。
Clinton outpaced Sanders in winning new superdelegate endorsements even after his string of primary and caucus wins in May. Following the results in Puerto Rico, it is no longer possible for Sanders to reach the 2,383 needed to win the nomination based on the remaining available pledged delegates and uncommitted superdelegates.
Campaigning in California on Monday night, Clinton said she was on the brink of a "historic, unprecedented moment." But she said there was still work to be done in six states voting on Tuesday and made little mention of her claim on the nomination.
"We're going to fight hard for every single vote," Clinton said during a rally in Long Beach.
Sanders' campaign said it was a "rush to judgment" to declare Clinton the presumptive nominee given that superdelegates can switch their support before the Democratic convention in late July.
"Our job from now until the convention is to convince those superdelegates that Bernie is by far the strongest candidate against Donald Trump," said Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs.
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