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发布时间:2019-11-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。








1. 核安全合作

nuclear security cooperation


Nuclear security cooperation has become a bright spot in the building of a new type of major-country relations between China and the US, respectively the world's largest developing and developed countries.


3月31日,第四届核安全峰会(the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit)在美国华盛顿拉开帷幕。会议期间,中美两国发表了核安全合作联合声明(joint commitment),承诺继续在核安全领域加强合作(pledge to continue to boost nuclear security cooperation)。

声明指出,中美致力于通过减少核恐怖主义威胁(reduce the threat of nuclear terrorism),营造和平稳定的国际环境(foster a peaceful and stable international environment),建设更为包容(inclusive)、协调(coordinated)、可持续(sustainable)、强有力(robust)的全球核安全体系(global nuclear security architecture),以实现共赢和共同安全(achieve the common benefit and security of all)。

2010年4月首届核安全峰会上,中美两国就建设核安全示范中心(a nuclear security center of excellence, COE)达成共识。今年3月18日,由中美联合出资建设的(jointly financed and built by China and US)北京核安全示范中心顺利落成。声明表示,中美将继续就核安全培训和最佳操作实践保持沟通(maintain communication in nuclear security training and best practices),以最大程度发挥核安全示范中心的作用和有效性(so as to maximize the use and effectiveness of the COE)。双方还将继续加强在打击核走私(counter nuclear smuggling)、放射源安全(the security of radioactive sources)等方面的合作。


核泄漏 nuclear leakage

核弹头 nuclear warhead

核扩散 nuclear proliferation

相互确保摧毁 mutually assured destruction

和平利用核能 peaceful use of nuclear energy

国际原子能机构 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

2. 限苗令

vaccination limitation


Hong Kong government has set a vaccination limitation for nonlocal children in response to local concern toward influx of families from the Chinese mainland seeking vaccine.


内地出现的疫苗丑闻(vaccine scandal)引发了香港民众对大批内地家庭可能赴港接种疫苗,继而引发"疫苗荒"(a shortage of vaccine stockpiles)的担忧。香港特区政府要求,公立诊所(government-run clinics)为非本地儿童接种疫苗实施限额制(place a monthly cap on the number of non-resident children getting vaccinations in Hong Kong)。

香港的母婴健康院从4月1日起,在满足本地儿童需求的前提下,对非本地儿童接种疫苗的每月配额为120个(120 new cases per month),有需要时可以停止对外地儿童的服务(services for nonlocal children will be halted if necessary)。目前香港共有31间母婴健康院,这意味着每间母婴健康院每月只有不到4个配额(each center has less than 4 quotas every month)。

香港卫生领域相关人士表示,虽然近期关于赴港打疫苗的咨询量大增(the number of enquiries surges),但实际到香港接种的儿童并没有成倍增加,目前儿童相关疫苗货源还比较充足(has sufficient supply for the vaccines)。


问题疫苗 problematic vaccine

疫苗游客 vaccine tourist

免疫 immunization

电话预约服务 telephone booking service

打针 get the shot

3. 2.5天休假

2.5 days' leave


Government employees in two Chinese cities can enjoy 2.5 days' leave, twice a month, starting from Friday.


山西省晋中市和江西省吉安市分别出台规定,自4月1日起开始实行2.5天周末(two-and-half-day weekends),两地机关事业单位的工作人员(people working for government departments as well as some public institutions)一个月可享有两次周五下午调休安排,但不得因弹性休息(flexible vacation schedules)而影响正常工作,要保证新的休假制度(the new holiday system)不会影响周五下午向公众提供的服务(services for the public)。

去年国务院办公厅(General Office of the State Council)下发《关于进一步促进旅游投资和消费的若干意见》(Several Decisions on Further Promoting Tourism-related Investment and Consumption),号召地方政府实行弹性工作制(flexible work schedules),让员工享受更多周末假期(more weekend vacation time)。目前河北、江西、重庆、甘肃、辽宁、安徽、陕西、福建等8省已出台意见(issue guidelines),鼓励有条件的地方和单位在夏季周五给员工放半天假(give a half-day off to employees on Fridays in summer)。

不过,国家旅游局(the National Tourism Administration)明确指出,弹性作息的前提是遵循国家法律规定每周40小时工作时间(guarantee a 40-hour working week),将周五下午的工作时间提前安排到其他工作日中(working hours on Friday afternoon could be shifted to other working days),而不是缩短每周法定工作时间(do not involve a cut in legal weekly working hours)。


弹性工作制 flexible work schedule

法定工作时间 legal working hours

短假期 short trip

工作日程 work schedule

4. 在线辅导

online tutoring


An official from the Ministry of Education said they are still studying if primary and middle school teachers should be prohibited from online tutoring. The news that an online teacher made RMB18,842 in an hour in Nanjing has drawn great public attention.


"在线辅导(online tutoring)"即教师利用网络提供课程直播(live-broadcast lectures/lessons)。随着互联网的快速发展,在线教育服务(online education services)优势明显,发展迅速。虽然缺少面对面的互动(face-to-face interactivity),但在线辅导费用低、效率高,吸引了不少家长和学生。不过也有不少人担心,在职教师(teacher in-service)如果兼职有偿补课(be engaged in paid make-up classes),很有可能分散其精力(diffuse one's energies),影响其在学校的教学质量。

利润颇丰的在线辅导市场(lucrative online teaching market)如果能获得有效监管,对学生和老师来说未尝不是一项双赢的解决方案(a win-win solution for both students and teachers)。但也有分析人士指出,在线辅导的红火,从根本上说还是因为社会存在旺盛的补课需求(a huge demand for extra classes),而这需要改革升学考试评价制度(reforms on the entrance exam assessment system)才能有效治理。


在线教育平台 online education platform

教师报酬过低 underpaid teachers

资源分配不均 uneven distribution of resources

重听课程 replay the lecture

5. 赏花游

flower tour/trip


The Beijing municipal government released a list of 192 areas in the capital where spring blooms, including peach, magnolia, apricot and winter jasmine, can be enjoyed for flower tours from March to May.


北京市此次推出的赏花点(recommended spots for enjoying spring blooms)总面积达2200万平方米(cover an area of 22m sq km)。除了踏青赏花(spring outing and enjoying the blooms),还将推出民俗表演(folklore performances)、植物科普展示(botany exhibitions)等多项春季文化活动。

湖北省旅游委近日推荐了20条乡村赏花线路(20 travel routes for tourists looking to appreciate floral beauty in the countryside)。新疆铁路部门则在3月21日至29日期间开通了"乘高铁看杏花"专列(high-speed "flower express" trains)"。湖南省政府已向当地景区(local scenic spot)张家界投资数百亿元用于种植油菜花(rapeseed flowers)。

专家认为,我国在发展花卉游(flower tourism)方面具有巨大潜力(huge potential),不过人们不能只着眼于眼前利益(immediate gains),要对环境予以足够重视(pay due attention to the protection of environment),学习如何将各种花卉和特色文化元素(distinctive cultural elements)相结合。


花朵 blossom

牡丹 peony

木兰 magnolia

杏花 apricot

迎春花 winter jasmine

油菜花 rapeseed flower

踏春 spring outing

6. 名人堂

Hall of Fame


Former Houston Rockets center Yao Ming, who is credited with building the popularity of professional US basketball in China, has been elected to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame for the class of 2016.


奈史密斯篮球名人纪念堂(Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame)成立于1959年,位于美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德,用以纪念为篮球运动作出卓越贡献的人(commemorate those who has made remarkable contributions to basketball)。球员、教练、裁判,或者是特殊的球队均可入选。

姚明作为首位入选名人堂的中国人缔造了历史(create history by becoming the first Chinese to be elected to the hall of fame)。姚明是2002年美国职业篮球联赛选秀状元(No 1 overall pick in the 2002 National Basketball Association draft)。被火箭队选中后为其效力9年,8度入选全明星阵容(be voted to the NBA all star lineup)。2011年,受伤病困扰的姚明结束职业生涯(hampered by injuries, Yao had to call an end to his sporting career in 2011)。


季后赛 playoff

板凳球员 bench warmer

篮板 rebound

封盖 block

助攻 assist


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