During the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20), China will implement double control actions to propel green and sustainable development.
Controlling both the quantity and intensity of energy and resources consumption is necessary to promote adjustment of the economic structure and protect the environment.
这里的“双控行动”(double control actions),指在调结构、促发展的过程中,既要控制总量,也要控制单位国内生产总值能源消耗、水资源消耗、建设用地的强度(not only will the total amount of energy and resources be controlled, but the energy consumption to GDP ratio, water use, the use of land for construction will also be controlled)。
这项工作做好了,既能节约能源和水土资源,从源头上减少污染物排放,也能倒逼经济发展方式转变,提高我国经济发展绿色水平(enhance the level of China's green development)。
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下一篇: 我国“土地出让收入”下降
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