A busy schedule awaits participants in Thursday morning's victory parade in Tian'anmen Square.
1. 迎宾 (welcome guests)
President Xi Jinping and first lady Peng Liyuan will arrive in the square at 9 am to welcome guests and have a group picture taken at the Tian'anmen Rostrum.
2. 奏唱歌曲
A total of 1,200 members of the Chorus of the Chinese People's Liberation Army will perform alongside the Military Band.
3. 鸣礼炮、升国旗
At 10 am, a 70-gun salute will be fired before the national flag is raised and the national anthem played.
4. 习近平发表重要讲话(deliver a keynote speech at the rostrum)。
5. 习近平检阅部队(inspect the troops)。
6. 分列式(50多分钟)
首先出场的是空中护旗方队,直升机悬挂中国国旗飞过天安门(A helicopter parading the national flag will fly by),20架直升机呈现“70”字样(20 military helicopters will fly overhead forming the figure 70),接下来依次是2个抗战老同志乘车方队(2 formations of veterans in vehicles)、11个徒步方队(foot formations)、17个外军方队、代表队(foreign formations and representative teams)、27个装备方队(armament formations)、10个空中梯队(air echelons)。
7. 放和平鸽和气球,代表中国人民愿世界永远和平的期望。
The parade will conclude with the release of doves and balloons, representing Chinese people’s wish for world peace.
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