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发布时间:2019-11-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。









1. 天津仓库爆炸

warehouse explosions in Tianjin

Massive explosions ripped through a warehouse at Ruihai Logistics located in the Binhai New Area of Tianjin late on Wednesday. The warehouse stores dangerous chemical goods.


中国地震台网表示,第一次爆炸的强度相当于引爆了3吨TNT炸药,而第二次的则相当于21吨TNT炸药。TNT当量(TNT equivalent)是指核爆炸(nuclear explosion)时所释放的能量相当于多少吨TNT炸药爆炸所释放的能量。

习近平主席和李克强总理批示要全力救治伤员(all-out efforts to save those injured),并严肃查处事故责任人(those responsible will be seriously handled)。

防化部队(anti-chemical warfare troops)已参与救援。环保部称,事故区域被封堵两个排放口内地下管道(two drainage outlets)检测出特别污染物(harmful pollutants),包括COD(化学需氧量 chemical Oxygen Demand)和氰化物(cyanide)。

据了解,瑞海国际物流有限公司是天津口岸(Tianjin Port)危险品货物集装箱(dangerous goods containers)业务的大型中转、集散中心(transit and distribution hub),年货运吞吐量(shipment volume)达100万吨。


hazardous substances: 有害物质

dangerous/hazardous chemicals: 危化品

radioactive: 放射性

shockwaves: 冲击波

flammable goods: 易燃物

fire extinguisher: 灭火器

concentration of toluene: 甲苯浓度

2. 人民币贬值

Renminbi devaluation

The devaluation of renminbi for the second consecutive day has attracted global attention, as the central parity rate of the yuan was reduced by 1.6% to 6.3306 against the US dollar on Wednesday.



Central parity rate即汇率中间价,是中国人民银行,即央行,对外公布的当日人民币与其他货币交易的基准价(benchmark)。参考汇率(reference rate)指的就是央行公布的这个比价,所以有时也直接用来指代"汇率中间价"。

央行宣布,自2017年8月11日起,做市商(market maker)在每日银行间外汇市场开盘前,参考上日银行间外汇市场收盘汇率(the previous day's closing rate at the interbank foreign exchange market),综合考虑外汇供求情况以及国际主要货币汇率变化向中国外汇交易中心提供中间价报价。

业内人士表示,更为贴近市场的人民币汇率将缓解由于扭曲汇率(exchange rate distortions)而带来的出口压力,但是也应警惕由于此次改革引发的贬值预期(expectation of devaluation)带来新一轮资金外逃。


exchange rate: 汇率

monetary market: 货币市场

capital outflows: 资本外流

greenback: 美钞

currency war: 货币战争;汇率战

3. '两天半'短假

2.5-day weekends

The State Council encouraged employers to provide two-and-half-day weekends – with Friday afternoon included - in summer for employees to go out and take pleasure trips.


11日,国务院办公厅发布《关于进一步促进旅游投资和消费的若干意见》(Several Decisions on Further Promoting Tourism-related Investment and Consumption)。《意见》中提出进一步落实带薪年休假制度(paid vacation)、鼓励错峰休假(avoid the peak traveling season)和弹性作息(flexible working schedules)。

据介绍,这三点有关休假的内容,是鼓励和引导,没有强制性(not mandatory),只是给有条件的企业或者单位提供一个灵活休假的新方式。


perks: 福利待遇

sick leave: 病假

parental leave: 产假

paid time off: 带薪休假

public institution: 事业单位

to boost tourism: 促进旅游业

4. 护栏换新装

guardrail renewal

A total of 12.1 km of guardrails are being replaced on Chang'an Avenue and surrounding areas. The guardrail renewal will be completed by the end of the week.


为了迎接抗日战争胜利70周年阅兵庆典(military parade and celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the war against Japanese aggression),长安街及附近区域正在进行大规模整容(facelift)。长安街、府右街和南长街的人行道护栏纷纷换上了"金色"外衣。

据了解,施工单位本次对长安街交通护栏进行了重新设计,与长安街中央护栏的颜色、历史文化元素(cultural elements)相统一,形成套系。护栏均为浅古铜色(light bronze)的不锈钢材质(stainless steel),具有优异的抗褪色性(anti-fading)、耐腐蚀性(corrosion resistant)、抗紫外线能力(anti UV)。


public facilities: 公共设施

telephone booth: 电话亭

main city artery: 城市主动脉

city landmarks: 城市地标

5. 职业分类

occupational classification

China has released a new occupational classification system to keep pace with a fast-changing employment sector, and provide guidance for occupational education and job qualification criteria for burgeoning industries.


职业分类(occupational classification)指按一定的规则、标准及方法,按照职业的性质和特点,把一般特征和本质特征相同或相似的社会职业,分成并统一归纳到一定类别系统中去的过程。

Occupational指"职业的,与职业相关的",比如,occupational disease(职业病)、occupational crisis(职业危机)、occupational outlook(职业前景)。

新版《大典》新增347个职业、取消894个职业,共计减少547个职业。新增的职业包括:快递员(delivery person)、网络安全管理员(online security administrator)、期货交易员(futures trader)等。此外,《大典》还首次增加了环保类职业(green jobs)。


obsolete posts: 过时的已被淘汰的职业

skilled worker: 熟练工人

occupational annuity: 企业年金

labor market: 就业市场

employment guide: 就业指导

6. 航班准点率

on-time rating

A report from Civil Aviation Data Analysis which tracks on-time performances of 103 major global carriers said that in July, China's three major carriers were rated 86th or worse.


根据该报告,中国南方航空以70.45%的准点率(on-time rating)排在第86位,是中国内地成绩最好的航空公司。

该报告与中国民航总局的数据相符,后者称去年仅有68.37%的国内航班准点到港,延误原因包括乘客人数激增(a spike in passengers)、航空管制(air traffic control)和恶劣天气(bad weather)等。据了解,大陆航班准点率在2009年前都达80%以上,但2010年开始持续下降,到2017年下降到68.37%。


punctuality: 准点

flight insurance: 航空险

delay insurance: 延误险

budget carrier: 廉价航空

7. 电力体制改革

electricity reforms

China is expanding trial reforms for the pricing of electricity into seven regions, as the country moves to turn energy price into more market-driven.


10日,发改委网站发布《价格改革最新进展》指出,要持续深化电力价格改革(electricity tariff reform),推进输配电价改革(electricity transmission and distribution price reform)试点,其中明确将试点范围由深圳市和蒙西电网进一步扩大到安徽、湖北、宁夏、云南、贵州等五省区电网(power grids)。



power generation enterprises: 发电企业

electricity sales license: 售电牌照

power transaction market: 电能交易市场

resources allocation: 资源分配

test regions: 试点范围


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