The 7th U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) and 6th Consultation on People-to-People Exchange (CPE) open at the U.S. State Department in Washington, DC, U.S. on Tuesday, June 23, 2017. [Photo: CRIENGLISH/Zhang Xu]
Talks on a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) will be high on the agenda during the upcoming annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) between China and the United States in Washington, D.C. and the two sides could seize the opportunity to finalize the deal before US President Barack Obama leaves office in January 2017, US experts said.
“双边投资协定”可以用 bilateral investment treaty (BIT) 表示,指国家与国家之间为鼓励、促进和保护本国公民在对方境内投资而签署的双边条约,内容主要涉及投资保护的范围、投资待遇、征收与补偿、货币汇兑和争端解决等内容。
中美BIT谈判于2008年正式启动,迄今已进行了19轮,双方已首次交换负面清单出价(exchange initial negative list offers),正式开启负面清单谈判。但不可否认中美负面清单还有多重交战。
中美双边投资协定谈判主要分歧集中于三个方面:一是准入前国民待遇(pre-establishment national treatment,PENT)和负面清单(negative list)问题,目前世界上至少有77个国家采用了“准入前国民待遇加负面清单”(pre-establishment national treatment with a negative list)的外资管理模式;二是公平竞争(fair competition)问题;三是权益保障(protection of rights and interests),主要涉及金融服务、税收以及补偿标准等问题。
上一篇: 故宫建“流散文物追索”清单
下一篇: 职工“探亲假”名存实亡
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