Since 1981, a regulation of the State Council has granted domestic workers paid leave to visit their families once a year if they live far from parents or spouse. However, some enterprises simply ignore the right of workers to paid leave, the family reunion leave included.
“探亲假”可以用family reunion leave表示,休假事由是,与配偶或父母不住在一起,又不能在公休假日(public holidays)团聚。Reunion表示团圆、重逢,如全家团圆(family reunion),团圆饭(family reunion dinner)。Leave作名词可表示休假,如带薪休假(paid leave),病假(sick leave),产假(maternity leave),育婴假(parental leave)。
在现实生活中,休探亲假没那么容易。一份报告显示,很多人“听都没听过”(have never heard of)探亲假。部分雇主认为,探亲假太长,工作可能做不完(might hurt productivity)。很多员工因为担心丢饭碗(fear losing their jobs)而不敢请假(dare not ask for the leave)探亲。专家呼吁加强监管(call for better supervision)以保障职工合法权益(protect workers' legal rights)。
上一篇: 中美对话“双边投资协定”成焦点
下一篇: 第七轮“中美战略与经济对话”开启
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