During Premier Li Keqiang's inspection of the Fujian Free Trade Zone on April 23, the head of one company told Li that through cross-border finance in the FTZ he could get a loan with interest of only 4 percent from an overseas bank, which is 1.35 percent lower than the Central Bank's benchmark loan rate.
何为自贸区战略(free trade zone strategy,or FTZ strategy)?李克强表示,可以通过自贸区释放跨境资本流(cross-border capital flows),从而降低国内企业融资成本(reduce financing costs)。
一位接近央行的权威人士称,按照设立自贸区的总体安排(general arrangement of FTZ),区内的各项试点(pilot projects)是为大规模改革探路(accumulate experience for large-scale reform),试点经验要尽快全国推广(be promoted throughout the country)。
我国于2013年启动上海自贸区(Shanghai Free Trade Zone),本周在广东、福建和天津启动三个相似区域以推动贸易(promote trade)、刺激实体经济(stimulate the real economy)。
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