Media reports have suggested that more than 20 executives of the two companies — CNR Corp Ltd and CSR Corp Ltd — and their relatives have been found to have bought and sold stocks in each company during the six-month period prior to their trading suspension in October last year before the announcement of the merging plan.
“停牌”的英文表达是trading suspension。停牌是指股票由于某种消息或进行某种活动引起股价的连续上涨或下跌,由证券交易所暂停其在股票市场上进行交易。待情况澄清或企业恢复正常后,再复牌在交易所挂牌交易。“复牌”的英文表达是resume trading。
南北车高管此举被指涉嫌insider trading
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