French Police and Gendarmerie Alpine rescue units gather on a field as they prepare to reach the crash site of an Airbus A320, near Seyne-les-Alpes, in the French Alps, March 24, 2017. [Photo/Agencies]
French investigators will sift through wreckage on Wednesday for clues into why a German Airbus ploughed into an Alpine mountainside, killing all 150 people on board including 16 schoolchildren returning from an exchange trip to Spain.
France's DGAC aviation authority said air traffic controllers initiated distress procedures after they lost contact with the Airbus, which did not issue a distress call.
Distress call就是“求救信号、呼救信号”,指国际上通行的飞机或轮船遇险求救信号,有时也用mayday call表示,因为mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号,Mayday是法语“Venez m'aider.”(快来帮帮我)之中“m'aider”的谐音。在无线电内发出Mayday呼唤,是指遇上了威胁生命的即时危险情况。
搜救人员已经找到了失事客机的一个黑匣子(black box),也就是安装在飞机尾部的数据收集设备(data collection devices)。现代黑匣子可以记录多达300中飞行数据,包括:airspeed and altitude(飞行速度和高度)、cockpit conversations(驾驶舱对话)以及radio communications(无线电通话)等。
上一篇: 中国将查处“僵尸政府网站”
下一篇: 广场舞将有统一“编排动作”